With a family to raise, no regular income and no pension, Denise decides to take on a project of a lifetime. Along with best friend Anita, she buys 3 derelict houses in a village in Spain planning on restoring and selling them on for profits of over 250,000 Euros. Their plan is to make enough profit from this investment to secure their financial futures. But to fund the project, they have to risk everything they own, even their own homes.
Pauline and Simon Hart-Chaplin are taking on a huge investment in the hope of making a huge profit on the property market. They’ve sold the family home in Nottingham and put every penny into building two luxury villas in Montenegro. They hope to make almost half a million pounds profits within a year. The rewards could be huge but then again so are the stakes. Can they make enough to pay off their mortgage or will they loose everything?
Old friends Roger and Lyndsay have decided to take on the biggest gamble of their lives. They are building a block of 22 apartments from scratch in a Black sea resort in Bulgaria. They hope to make profits of 1 million EUROs from this investment, in only one year. However, neither have ever taken on a project like this, they are doing it 3,000 miles from home in an Eastern European country , and they start the project without enough money to see it through.
Sarah Beeny follows 2 stories of Brits trying to make a fortune by doing up houses in Italy. One couple are ploughing their entire life-savings into a barn conversion in Tuscany, and doing much of the work themselves. The other couple are hoping to restore a beautiful old farmhouse to make a profit of over £400,000 – but they are spending their little brother’s money not their own, and he wants to make sure their dream makes hard business sense. They are both make-or-break projects, with huge risks, but huge rewards if they succeed.
In Crete ambitious adventurous British amateur investors are trying to make serious money in property development. In this episode 2 families want to make over £100,000 profit by building in Greece –they’ve chosen the popular island of Crete for the project and they want to build 2 luxury villas overlooking the sea and make profits substantial enough to pay off their mortgages.
Sarah Beeny advises more Brits seeking their fortunes in high-risk, high-return property markets abroad. In this programme a young and inexperienced couple fresh out of university take the unusually brave step of going to Morocco, where neither has lived before, to restore a beautiful historic house in the hope of making a huge profit - fast. They are doing it in the ancient historic city of Fez – and living and working there while they run the project themselves, which involves complete restoration from plumbing and electrics to restoring original mosaics.