Chopper, Franky und Brook sind sehr begeistert von Brownbeards Geschichte über den Master, der so viel Gutes getan hat. Als Brook Sanji mitteilt, dass der Samurai verschwunden ist, um seinen Oberkörper zu suchen, fühlt der sich verantwortlich und macht sich zusammen mit Brook und Zorro auf die Suche nach ihm. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
The children and the Straw Hats are in a cave with Brownbeard tied up talking about the Master. Zoro, Sanji and Brook go to look for Kin'emon, who had gone to look for his torso that Brook saw roll towards the ocean. The children start complaining and falling over from pain. Chopper, who had been testing them for any sicknesses, revealed that they had been given a highly addictive drug and were suffering from withdrawal symptoms. The children start attacking the Straw Hats, who can't fight back without injuring the children. Usopp eventually is able to put them to sleep with one of his new attacks. Back in the lab, Law gave Smoker's heart to Caesar, who had sent the Yeti Cool Brothers to deal with the Straw Hats. The Yeti Cool Brothers are then shown talking to each other while Zoro, Sanji and Brook were lying unconscious nearby.
Nell'ex laboratorio i bambini iniziano a sentirsi male, quindi Chopper ne analizza il sangue scoprendo che sono vittima di crisi di astinenza da una potentissima droga somministratagli da Master e che li rende altamente pericolosi...
Chahige, capturado por la banda de Sombrero de Paja, cuenta las bondades de Caesar, su maestro, pero tras hacer un análisis Chopper descubre que los niños en realidad no están enfermos, si no que Caesar les está suministrando una droga oculta en unos caramelos para convertirlos en gigantes. En ese momento los niños empiezan a encontrarse mal y se vuelven violentos debido al efecto adictivo de la droga. Por otro lado, zoro Sanji y Brook salen a buscar al samurai que se fue en busca de su torso.
Os Chapéus de Palha descobrem mais uma verdade sobre os experimentos bizarros ocorridos em Punk Hazard e, desta vez, a descoberta é algo horrível que atinge diretamente as crianças!
يدخل الأطفال العمالقة نوبة ثوران غامضة، ويكتشف تشوبّر السّبب الحقيقيّ لحالتهم الغريبة! في نفس الأثناء، زورو وبروك وسانجي يقابلون ثنائيًّا خطيرًا!