Es wird Zeit für die Strohhüte, Abschied von der Fischmenscheninsel zu nehmen und Madame Shirley hofft, dass ihre Vision nie eintrifft, dass Ruffy die Insel komplett zerstören würde. Der Minister zur Rechten will die Strohhüte noch vor dem mit Sprengstoff gefüllten Schatzkästchen warnen, das sie Big Mam geschickt haben, doch Neptun rät davon ab. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
The mermaids and Keimi from the Mermaid Cafe ask Madam Shirley if they can say good bye to the Straw Hats. Madam Shirley says that her prediction that Luffy will destroy Fishman Island might not happen after all since they defeated Hody and the New Fishman Pirates.
Meanwhile, Shirahoshi is crying and asking the Straw Hats to not go. Usopp and Chopper complains that they are going to die in the New World. The Minister of the Left gives Nami a new New World Log Pose with three needles so they can get to the islands in the New World. The Minister of the Left explains about the new Log Pose's features when Luffy suddenly grabs onto Nami, wanting to see the new Log Pose. She complains and says that she will tell the crew where to go but Luffy complains saying that he is the captain so he should decide where they should go. Franky gets a new haircut and they start to leave but Shirahoshi comes and ask them to pinky promise to come back and the crew does it.
The Straw Hats finally leave and some of the children of the Fishman Island ask their parents if they can get a Straw Hat similar to Luffy's and Jinbe says he will get some. Luffy then remember the times when Shanks, Rayleigh, Jinbe, and Ace told him something important. The Straw Hats then comment about what they will do once they are in the New World.
Les mugiwaras disent au revoir aux Hommes-poissons. Nami apprend à utiliser le nouveau log pose. Les mugiwaras partent vers le Nouveau Monde !
Madame Shirley spiega a Kayme di avere rotto la sua sfera di cristallo poiché ancora turbata dalla sua previsione su Rufy e che le dispiace di avere dubitato di lui e della sua ciurma. Intanto, i pirati, ormai pronti a partire per il Nuovo Mondo grazie ai suggerimenti di Den a Franky e al nuovo Log Pose donato a Nami dal Ministro della Sinistra, ricevono il saluto e la gratitudine di tutta l'isola. Shirahoshi, affezionatasi a Rufy, si fa promettere che, un giorno, la ciurma la porterà a visitare una foresta della superficie mentre lei si impegnerà a crescere e a maturare. La ciurma, salutata l'intera popolazione e ripetutasi i rispettivi obiettivi personali, lascia l'isola degli uomini-pesce per il Nuovo Mondo che Rufy è impaziente di raggiungere per poter rivedere Shanks.
La banda de los Sombrero de Paja se prepara para partir de la isla Gyojin y dejar atrás a los nuevos amigos que han hecho.
Nami recibe un nuevo tipo de Log Pose que a partir de ahora guiará a la banda en el Nuevo Mundo.
Tras prometer a Shorahoshi que volverán a verse, abandonan la isla Gyojin.
Com um misto de ânimo e incerteza, a jornada para o Novo Mundo enfim tem início. Os Chapéus de Palha ganham um novo Log Pose e dão adeus a Shirahoshi e Jinbe. Para cumprir a promessa feita a Shanks, Luffy enfim parte em uma nova jornada.
يودّع لوفي وطاقمهم أصدقاءهم الجدد قبل أن ينطلقوا في أعظم مغامراتهم في العالم الجديد!