Noch immer kämpfen die Strohhüte auf dem Gyoncorde Plaza gegen Hodys Piratenbande. Brook bekommt es mit dem unheimlichen Zeo zu tun, und Lysop muss gegen Daruma antreten. Währenddessen wartet Ruffy darauf, dass die Fischmenschen Soldaten im Air Tank die Noah in eine neue Luftblase hüllen, damit er an Bord des Schiffes gegen Hody Jones bestehen kann. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
Brook continues to fight Zeo and reveals his new control over his Yomi Yomi no Mi abilities. Usopp continues to fight Daruma and has set traps for him. Luffy attacks Hody with a new move called Red Hawk and it deals Hody an incredible amount of damage and sends him flying to the Noah.
The guards announce Hody's defeat and the lower members try to run away with their captain defeated and Zeo stops them wanting them to die for their grudge. The lower members note how insane the officers are and the children wonder if humans are really that bad and Shyarly states not all are and for them to judge humans with their own eyes. Brook stops Zeo from attacking his men and declares the island will be fine and knows Luffy will save everybody. Franky, Sanji, Jinbe and Zoro prepare to end things with their opponents. Usopp is shocked to see Chopper in his Monster Point only for Chopper to be completely fine.
Hody is not yet defeated and shovels down more Energy Steroids despite his injures and as Luffy arrives on the ship Hody recovers briefly and gives an angry look with Luffy in disbelief as to Hody still fighting.
Brook si scontra con Zeo attaccandolo con la nuova spada donatagli dalla tribù Braccialunghe, l'Anima Solida, con proprietà congelanti.
La batalla entre Sombrero de Paja y Hody continua y parece acabar cuando Luffy golpea a Hody con su más poderoso ataque, el puñetazo del Halcón Rojo, enviando al capitán de los Nuevos Piratas Gyojin a la cubierta del Noah, que sigue descendiendo.
En la Plaza Gyoncord, los Sombrero de Paja y los generales de Hody Jones recrudecen sus combates y se preparan para lanzar sus mejores golpes.
Chegou a hora do clímax da batalha dos Chapéus de Palha na Praça Conchárdia. A bordo de Noé, Hody, transformado numa arma viva, ataca Luffy impiedosamente. Para cumprir a promessa feita a Fukaboshi, Luffy acumula todas as suas forças em seu punhos, para destruir Hody!
حان الوقت أخيرًا لذروة معركة طاقم قبّعة القشّ في ساحة غيونكورد. وفي نوح، تحوّل هودي إلى سلاح حيّ ويهاجم لوفي بلا رحمة. من أجل أن يفي بوعده لفوكابوشي، يقاتل لوفي بكلّ ما أوتيَ من قوّة لسحق هودي!