Ruffys Freunde aus Impel Down lesen in der Zeitung von seinem Angriff auf Marineford und machen sich sofort auf den Weg. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
Buggy tearfully reunites with his crew on an unknown island. Alvida discovers a treasure mark from which Luffy found in Impel Down. Mr. 3 delivers a message from the World Government to Buggy. At the Sabaody Archipelago, Duval and the Flying Fish Riders confront the Copper Pirates. Shakky, Camie, Hatchan and Pappag entrust the protection of the ship to Duval. Eventually, the pirates confront Kuma and the World Government. At Alabasta, Cobra, Chaka and Koza learn they have problems with the pirates. However, Igaram tells them that Vivi and Karoo were excited that Luffy has survived. On another unknown island, Crocodile and Mr. 1 read the news on Luffy's involvement, and decide to return to the New World. Chopper flies on a bird when he receives Luffy's message. Robin travels to the East Blue and receives Luffy's message. On Kamabakka Kingdom, Sanji and Ivankov receive the news on Luffy's involvement. Usopp tries to escape Bowin Island when he and Heracles receive the news. On Weatheria, Nami and Haredas receives Luffy's message while trying to escape. Franky, having survived the explosion at Karakuri Island, also receives the news. Brook is caged by the local tribes when he receives the news. On Kuraigana Island, Zoro and Perona eventually learn about Luffy's message.
Bagy, Mr.3 e gli ex-prigionieri di Impel Down si riuniscono alla ciurma di Bagy. Mentre festeggiano il ritorno del capitano, il ritrovamento del marchio del tesoro del Capitano John ed il fatto che molti potenti pirati si siano uniti a loro, Mr. 3 riceve una lettera del Governo e rimane scioccato nel leggerne il contenuto.
Buggy se reúne con Alvida y su antigua tripulación cuando le llega las nuevas noticias sobre Luffy.
Mientras tanto, la banda de Duval se encarga de defender el Thousand Sunny de los bandidos que intentan robarlo.
Por otro lado, la banda de Sombrero de Paja va captando el mensaje que su capitán les ha hecho llegar a través del News Co.
Relatos do incidente envolvendo Luffy em Marineford se espalham pelo mundo em um piscar de olhos. O povo e seus companheiros ficam igualmente espantados com suas misteriosas ações. Mas Luffy tem um motivo para se comportar desta maneira. O que exatamente ele tem em mente?!
يأمل لوفي أن يرسل رسالة لرفاقه عن طريق إرسال رموز في مقالة على الصّحيفة. وأثناء ذلك، يحمي راكبو الأسماك الطّائرة سفينة قبّعة القشّ من النّهب!