Als Bon Curry erfährt, dass Ruffys Behandlung schon begonnen hat, ist er schockiert, denn sie ist mit verheerenden Folgen verbunden: Ruffy muss durch die schmerzhafte Prozedur auf zehn Jahre seiner Lebensspanne verzichten. Außerdem dauert das Ganze mindestens zwei Tage – und sie haben nur noch 16 Stunden, um Ace zu retten. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
While Ivankov is dancing around and joking with his followers, an intruder interrupts and declares that his father, once a king, one day paid a visit to Kambakka Kingdom - and came back a queer! Because of this, the king's country and family were ruined, and his son was reduced from his princely state to a mere pirate. He fires his handheld cannon in vengeance, but Iva uses his Death Wink to repel the cannonball shot back at him, then injects the burly man with female hormones and transforms him into a sexy female lady with huge female features. The intruder flees in embarrassment. After witnessing this "miracle," Bon Kurei begs Iva to save Luffy. Iva leads Bon down a deserted corridor and says the only reason he helped them was because Luffy, writhing in pain, begged them to save his friend earlier. He has been under treatment for 10 hours. Meanwhile, on Level 5, Buggy and Mr. 3 are seen running away from wolves on stilts made from wax. Iva and Bon arrive outside a door that has been chained shut, through which Luffy's screams of agony can be heard. Iva informs Bon that Luffy still has 2 more days of treatment to endure. Meanwhile, Luffy, chained down inside the chamber, recalls the memory of himself and Ace as children, laughing and talking by a cliff overlooking the ocean. At the end it is declared that only 16 hours are left until Ace's execution! Will Luffy make it in time?!
Pendant qu'Ivankov danse et plaisante avec ses partisans, un intrus les interrompt et déclare que son père, autrefois roi, a un jour rendu visite au royaume de Kambakka - et est revenu Gay !
Emporio Ivankov dà dimostrazione dei suoi poteri fermando una palla di cannone lanciata da un pirata semplicemente sbattendo le palpebre e trasformando poi lo stesso pirata in una donna. Ivankov rivela a Von Clay di averlo salvato esclusivamente a seguito delle suppliche di Cappello di Paglia. L'ex-sovrano spiega inoltre che sta curando Rufy con i suoi poteri basati sugli ormoni e che il trattamento ha effetto solo su persone con un'eccezionale volontà di vivere. La cura, tuttavia, ha anche degli effetti collaterali. Oltre a richiedere più di due giorni, sprecando tempo prezioso in vista dell'esecuzione di Ace, ed essere estremamente dolorosa, essa accorcerà di dieci anni la vita di Rufy.
Ivankov muestra sus poderes, y luego se transforma en una mujer. Bon Clay le ruega a Ivankov que cure a Luffy con sus poderes a base de hormonas, que sólo funcionan en las personas con extraordinaria voluntad de vivir. Lamentablemente, el tratamiento acortaría la vida de Luffy, lo deja en el dolor agonizante, y tendrá una duración de más de dos días, la ejecución de Ace es en sólo 16 horas.
Enquando Ivankov Está Dançando E Brincando Com Seus Seguidores, Um Intruso Interrompe E Declara Que Um Dia Seu Pai, Um Rei, Entrou No Reino Kamabakka E Voltou Para Casa Um Okama! Por Causa Disso O País Do Rei E A Família Foram Arruinados, E Seu Filho Foi Reduzido De Um Príncipe A Um Mero Pirata
يشعر بون بسعادة غامرة لسماع أنّ لوفي لا يزال على قيد الحياة، ولكن سرعان ما تتحوّل سعادته إلى صدمة عندما يعلم أن هورمونات الشّفاء المؤلمة الّتي استعملها إيفانكوف ستُكلّف الرّجل المطاطيّ عشر سنوات من حياته!