"Shipwrecked" is the first episode of the One Piece DnD Streams by Rustage. In this episode we meet the Crew for the first time and follow their adventures as they recover from a typhoon, gain a companion, search for a new ship, save a young boy, fight a rival pirate crew and acquire a map to a Devil Fruit!
"The Gravy Boat" is the fourth episode of the One Piece DnD Streams by Rustage. In this episode we watch as the Crew recruits Gravy, meet Atom again, learn some of his backstory and then hire him, gamble for and then eat a Devil Fruit in a casino under a bakery and finally begin confronting the Steam Pipe Pirates whom Ragnar was looking for!
"Prison Break" is the sixth episode of the One Piece DnD Streams by Rustage. In this episode we follow the Crew as they go from strangers to allies and finally enemies with Not Steve, start a prison break and meet Pearl's brother!
"Yeehaw" is the seventh episode of the One Piece DnD Streams by Rustage. In this episode we follow the Crew as Atom meets a tragic fate, the crew encounters another commander of the Steam Pipe Pirates, once again meets Bullet and finally enters the throne room of the Tarako Kingdom!
"The Throne Room Battle" is the eighth episode of the One Piece DnD Streams by Rustage. In this episode we follow the Crew as they fight and kill Captain Marrow and Eustass Valve, kill King Malachite, get Jasper to adopt Atom's Sister and discover a bit about William's past with a mysterious figure known as 'Boss'!
"The Grand Line" is the ninth episode of the One Piece DnD Streams by Rustage, in this episode we follow the Crew as they learn about the man known as Boss, celebrate their victory and gain a new ship, meet a mysterious woman and uncover things about Gravy's past before finally entering the Grand Line where they meet a strange man with time powers and eventually arrive on a destroyed island where they get more bounties and engage battle with a shark Zoan Marine Commander!
"Are We The Bad Guys?" is the tenth episode of the One Piece DnD Streams by Rustage. In this episode we follow the Crew as they kill a Marine Commander, take a hostage, learn about the Timber Lord, and commit many morally ambiguous actions!