Nando v Movies has brought together a ton of great YouTubers who are making videos about their favorite scenes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This is our addition to that, this scene from Antman that not only gives us a glimpse of the future of the MCU, but what it takes to be a hero in this universe.
I have spent the last 48 hours making this video as fast as possible, thank you to NandoVMovies for inspiring me to make this video, Endgame is out today and I think all I want to do is cry, I'm so attached to these characters. I do hope you enjoyed this video, make sure to like and share it and all that jazz. I will see you guys in the next one.
There was an idea. To bring together a group of remarkable YouTubers to see if we could become something more.
This is my rendition of "One Marvelous Scene"; check out the rest in this link! Thanks for watching!
Thoughts on this, guys?
MGIC joins in on the fun of Nando V Movies' One Marvelous Scene celebration with an overture to The Star Spangled Man from Captain America: The First Avenger.