Jamie beweist, dass auch fleischfreie Kost extrem lecker schmecken kann und besucht flugs einen indischen Koch, um feine Zutaten für sein Menü zu bekommen: Indisches Chutney mit Poppadoms, Ananas-Curry und Zwiebel- Bhajis.
There is a new baby in Jamie's life and combined with long nights in the restaurant he is tired out, so he meets up with Jane Clarke who offers him excellent advice on healthy eating. Full of new ideas, Jamie cooks himself and Jane a health-conscious lunch: tangerines with vanilla, almonds and chocolate, steamed sea bass with spring vegetables, fruit juice and crab and grapefruit salad.
Салат из мандаринов, окунь с овощами, фруктово-овощной сок, салат из грейпфрута с крабовым мясом
Jamie visita a su nutricionista Jane Clark, con quien discute su dieta, sus horarios laborales y sus niveles de energía. Regresa a casa decidido a hacer algunos cambios y prepara comida acorde a los consejos de Jane.