「おかあさんといっしょ」の収録現場をテレビで初公開!収録に参加する子どもは抽選で選ばれた一般の3歳児40名。大人でも戸惑うテレビの収録、まだまだ聞き分けがなく親から離れられない3歳児を相手に、いかに緊張させず集中力を切らさずに収録を行っているのか?その一部始終にカメラが密着! 貴重なアーカイブス映像で番組がどんなこだわりをもって制作されてきたかをひもとく企画や、レジェンド兄姉の対談も!
The recording site of "Okaasan to Issho" is revealed on television for the first time! 40 ordinary 3-year-olds were selected by lottery to participate in the recording. Television recordings can be confusing even for adults, but how do they keep 3-year-olds, who are still disobedient and won't leave their parents, nervous and focused while recording? The camera follows them closely from start to finish! There will also be a project that uses valuable archive footage to uncover the attention to detail that went into making the program, as well as a conversation between the legendary siblings!