Testing out a new, potential subseries—and hitting every conceivable pothole along the way.
…figured I’d better shoot at least one episode in Beautiful Downtown Aurora before leaving.
At last! Ben reviews a K-Tel product!
The MCS deck kinda got fried. Time for another fixer-upper!
Let’s unearth some (unintentional) pre-DVD Easter Eggs…
An early, talking board game—whose (nearly) every move is dictated by a tiny record.
Rather serendipitously, just in time to move, we’ve unearthed a promo video for an item that we’ve used on Archive many times—namely, the Talking House Transmitter. Talk about timing!
…because I totally needed a bunch more junk to try and pack up.
There were a precious few hallmarks of the old Archive HQ that I did NOT want to carry over. Speaker wire running all over the room was one of them.
Already went over to a direct-drive cassette deck, might as well do the same with vinyl…
Looking into the most intimate areas of Ben’s…half-baked stereo system.
Sergei’s Catacomb of Classics in stereo, anyone?
The Archive’s first livestream since 2014…and just as lo-fi as ever.
Archive Thrifting®: Now in ESTEREO!!!
A mere 3½ months in the making!
The return of the Halloween album reviews! Now in screaming, spooktacular stereo!
On the night of Sunday, November 22nd, 1987, a mysterious figure in a Max Headroom mask hijacked two Chicago TV stations. Spoiler alert: The perpetrators were never found.
An informal (not to mention, loose) history of Civil Defense Broadcasting in the U.S.
Michael Bay directed music videos? That would explain a lot.
Remember when TV stations used to go off the air late at night? Anyone?
Interested in seeing a clown so laid-back, he forgets he's on camera? Now about a Hawaiian teen idol with a pen fetish? Maybe an American Bandstand ripoff with an evil spirit hosting? If you answered yes to any of these questions, watch this episode--then seek immediate professional help.
This video has been censored by "The Man" for your pleasure.
The Archive's most infamous episode--for some reason.
Meet the artists that made the likes of Joan Baez and Pete Seeger fear for their careers.
What the hell would make this overplayed moldy-oldie count as an oddity? Find out...
VHS or Beta? Laserdisc or CED? What the hell is a CED anyway? These burning questions (amongst others) answered in this episode!
Join Ben as he launches his own 1-900 number. What could possibly go wrong?
A much more straightforward discussion of the Max Headroom Incident. And, as a bonus, a brief history of the Archive (current as of October, 2012).
We still get a lot of flack for this episode (did you really think there were 37 minutes of odd VHS endings out there?). Nonetheless, it's still a favorite.
A nice, compact little review of one of the most (in)famous "drugstore" records ever released. Bet you thought we didn't have a copy!
An Archive double header: The two most famous occurrences of Broadcast Signal Hijacking (well, save for the Max Headroom Incident) are discussed here.
The Oddity Archive will now be switching to scrambled mode. Please turn on your (preferably, circa 1984) decoder box now.
Because we always like to go the extra mile (at least, when it's convenient), the Archive tackles TWO lists of the worst of the (19)90's: The top 4 Trendy Turkeys and the top 4 Technological Turkeys of the (again, 19)90's.
The 13th episode is a very unlucky one for Ben as he discusses some (all too often, rather off) U.S. Kiddie Show hosts from the early 1950's through the late 1990's.
An informal discussion of the TV Sign-Offs episode.
All Ben wanted for Christmas was a silent night...
Ceefax and Keyfax, Nite-Owl and Cable Chuckles, oh my...
It's movie day at the Archive! Unfortunately, due to copyright issues, you're not invited. But, at least you can join us for an intermission reel (conveniently containing all Public Domain footage!).
Given how much we discuss TV on the Archive, a history lesson seemed in order.
?segassem lanimilbus tahW ?huH Everyone knows there are no subliminal messages in music...(!slatrom nwod wob ,woN)
Something about February always gets Ben thinking about Civil Defense Broadcasting.
Join Ben as he discusses some of the Dating Services of the 1980's to present. And, if you're good, maybe Ben will let you join him in his own quest for a date.
Temporarily exiled from the big leagues of Internet TV, Ben (again, temporarily) sets up camp at his local Public Access outlet.
At the time of the Conservative Folk Music episode, some of the artists discussed had yet to make their digital debuts. Naturally, Ben would want to take a look at the CD that rounds up the complete folk-rock works of Janet Greene.
It's the feel-good episode of the year as Ben discusses the (in)famous British Nuclear War preparedness campaign.
Because you can (apparently) never have enough nukes...
Perhaps the Archive's most infamous episode needed a little more context. Maybe not. Nevertheless, it got it anyway--the context, that is.
What is it about end logos and FBI Warnings that scared so many children of the VHS era?
Can pure rock sound really hard-boil an egg? Of course not. It does make for some wicked "deviled" eggs though.
Ever wanted to get an (impersonal) birthday greeting from Milton Berle? How 'bout an answering machine message from "Richard Simmons"? Yeah, didn't think so.
Things have gotten so dire at The Archive that Ben's been forced to take a "real" job. Join him as he takes a look at his potential employers' training videos.
Ever wanted to know the absolute root of the Oddity Archive? Well, it involves a creepy guy in a Hamster costume...
Because nothing says "Happy 200th, America" like crappy "collectibles", Up With People and bizarre Government films.
Featuring such great (non-)hits from the likes of Hairy Nielsen, BAAB, William Turkey and many, many more! Order today!!!
Learn to take the safe way to school (but only if you have to walk through Chinatown).
What do you mean Ben is fashion-challenged?
Seeing as the Archive somehow managed to hit the 30 episode mark, it seemed like a good time to throw a nice, little (tax-deductible) party. Plus, Ben sings a viewer poll-selected song (a move that was instantly regretted by all who voted).
One of the Archive's earliest episodes seems to have gone missing. As such, Ben has been forced to remake it. Or, this was Ben's (unsurprisingly, failed) submission to the ConBravo indie video showcase.
Covert broadcasts...and how to decode them (your results may vary).
Or, as Ben likes to call it, the Max Headroom Incident's annoying, less creative little brother.
And Ben thought it would just be another cool toy for his collection. How naive...
Learn to gamble--Archive style! God help us...
An all-too-brief look back at the Archive's first Halloween special.
Come visit the Archive Children's Disco before it's condemned!
Forced to discuss his fourth knockoff Disco record in a row, Ben has a slight meltdown.
Given we followed up the first Halloween Special with a review of a "spooky sound effects" album, we figured it wouldn't hurt to do it again.
VHS vs. Beta? How 1977...
Ben's still having nightmares about being forced to play charades with Rich Little.
Chain Aunt Phyllis to the family piano and enjoy an old-fashioned Thanksgiving.
An interesting, but (unsurprisingly) failed, early attempt at multimedia interactivity.
A much-maligned commentary to a forgotten Archive episode.
Five forgotten holiday albums that will...more than likely remain forgotten.
Because nothing says "Christmas" quite like creepy wax figures and a bargain-basement Bing Crosby.
Have you ever wanted to make "melons" in real estate? If so, you've come to the right place!
...because the local stations suck.
...because salesmen need the comfort of knowing that their product is truly the answer to all problems (consumerist OR existential).
Don't screw with Jam Handy!
Sid Davis would like to remind you that he loves his wallpaper and hates your child.
The Archive is currently experiencing technical difficulties...LOTS of them...and Ben refuses to take responsibility. So there.
If V.D. really is for everybody, why don't I have it?
Since we spent so much time with anti-smoking propaganda last time out, in the name of fairness, we thought we'd share some pro-smoking propaganda. Sorry, no dancing Luckies here (seriously, what can you say about it? Insert smart-ass comments below).
Everything Ben has to say about the Backwards Masking episode in a mere 12 minutes!
...because only Ben would be stupid enough to devote an entire regular Archive episode to between-show filler.
Alternate Title: Why Ben should never make a full "behind-the-scenes" episode. Alternate Title #2: Ben stammers for 38 minutes. Alternate Title #3: Why Ben will never get a date.
The Archive gathers together all your favorite '70's hits--then realizes that the major labels, the RIAA, etc. would have our nuts in a sling over it. More ripoff records it is then! All 70's edition!
Wait, there's a logic to all this?
Can your heart take the sheer sex appeal of the Philips N1500? No (prescription) pills necessary!
It's time for a few changes in Archiveland.
Alternate Title: Why The Archive isn't terribly conducive to outtake specials.
Alternate Title: How to Survive an Unprovoked Attack From Your Electric Mixer.
So much for taking a break...
Another existential crisis in Archive-land? Get your head out of your ass, Benny boy! NOTE: If viewing this episode on a Pioneer VP-1000 unit (Serial #'s: 12467-21804), please turn your frame display function to the ON position.
A "by request" Ben's Junk. Taking a look at the camcorder used to film "Going Analog" and "Y2K Apocalypse Party".
We've only just begun...to hurt.
Copying this video may cause your computer to randomly burst into flames. The Archive assumes no liability.
Who'da thunk the making of this episode AND the episode itself was about rediscovery? NOTE: @3:33: Yes, Ben meant to say "3rd Season". NOTE #2: Yes, the leader on the "Money Hunt" tape really broke.
Is there really such a thing as too much LaserKaraoke? Let's find out with this special double (if not triple) length episode!
For all the time we've spent with this format, a full look at it (and its offshoots) seemed only natural.
Perhaps a too-personal installment of Ben's Junk. Don't take that the wrong way...
WARNING: This episode is coated in a new, ultra high-tech substance that may cause colorful sparks to emit from your computer. Also, <<<CUTE KITTIES!!!!!>>> If that doesn't jump-start our ratings, nothing will.
Must be that magic time of year again when Ben lazily dusts off the previous year's Halloween episode for a commentary.
The most headache-inducing Archive episode to date. Guaranteed.
This year's (apparently now requisite) Halloween album review. This was actually meant to be just a minisode, but it ran really long. Consider it a "bonus" Archive episode.
Test-driving a new, potential recurring concept, "Archive Wares". The idea is to look at items from the golden age of infomercials ('80's through early 2000's) and their ads and/or tutorial videos. Given that it's Halloween, it seemed only natural to discuss the most nightmare-inducting product sold via infomercials: the "Rejuvenique Facial Toning System".
Well, that only took a year-and-a-half to follow through with another Local TV installment. No, this wasn't painful at all.
SPOILER ALERT: Whoa-oh here it comes/Watch out boy, it'll chew them up/Whoa-oh here it comes/It's a tape eater!
Ben reviews the Archive (and then the world imploded).
Finally, a VCR that can play all international formats! What do you mean, it only has mono sound?!? What you do mean I need converter boxes?!?
And welcome to the Oddity Archive, the show that isn't afraid to piss off VHS fetishists.
The long-awaited conclusion to the two-part Ben's Junk VHS extravaganza. Does this count as the climax?
This episode is dedicated to----you, Amber.
After being asked all year about what Ben thinks the next generation of oddities will be, a New Year's special seemed to be in order (somehow).
Two episodes of LaserKaraoke and still no demonstration of the machine? Yeah, I'm kinda slow...
You asked, we gave. $683.43 will now be added to your next phone bill.
Ladies' man that Ben and Ed are, they didn't really need this. This is really for all the lonely folks (especially the guys) that watch the Archive.
A dual commentary for both 1-900 ARCHIVE volumes. WARNING: Wrestling aficionados may not like what I have to say.
Maybe all those DuMont jokes in all the 50's-centric Archive episodes will make sense now. Maybe.
The DuMont episode ran ridiculously overlong (gotta love that molasses-slow early TV!). Here is a deleted segment giving an overview on the Game Shows aired on the DuMont Network.
Q: y u no duvide gams? A: Because I'm not that kind of girl--er, wait. Did you mean "Video Games"? I guess...
Pouring some additional salt in the gamer wounds...
Because, you know, VIDEOcassette board games went so well...
How many times do I have to tell you, China Cabinet? The money is NOT in the fishtank!
Slightly bastardizing the usual Ben's Junk format--but not Ben's Junk itself (that'd hurt).
Every now and then we get to thinkin' you'd like to hear somethin' from us done nice and easy. Well, lemme tell ya, we don't do NOTHIN' "nice and easy"...
An (unintentional) almost-three years in the making...2015
...and welcome to (probably the only edition of) "Ben Tries"!
It's a computer! It's a home video unit! It's a video game console! It's...a little underdeveloped.
boxes Boxes. BOXES!!!
A day late, a dollar short--you know the deal.
The Archive has been deemed obsolete. Irony noted.
The Archive is back on YouTube! But, not without (desperately) seeking out some alternatives in the meantime.
Today's burning question: Is it pronounced "stare-eo" or "steer-eo"?
Just going through some (relatively) recent additions to the Archive's 8-track (and associated) pile.
Naughty words WITHOUT Oddity Archive® – 22 Naughty words WITH Oddity Archive® – 21
The 3rd annual Archive LaserKaraoke Party is on (sort of)!
DVR? Two-week advance recording? Wusses.
Breaker for a short-short. This is the Oddity Archive. What's yer handle, good buddy?
Made as a thank you to the viewer who sent this. A thank you for not sending us any Magic Clown ephemera, that is.
Oddity Archive®: Also available for birthday parties, weddings and bar mitzvahs.
Looking back on the mental and physical scars sustained while making the Rejuvenique episode--and the mask too.
Recently, we came into a small jackpot of Pickwick albums. Given this label's long-standing history with the Archive, it only seemed appropriate to devote an entire episode to the king of all "drugstore" labels.
Recounting one of the Archive's more memorable production experiences.
Oddity Archive: Now in high-pile carpetvision!
I hate it when my ideas for holiday specials fall through...
VCR Ephemera, or, Oddity Archive for beginners.
Discussing what was arguably the most difficult restoration project I’ve (successfully) undertaken.
I got a message from the Action Max. “I’m crappy. Hope you’re crappy, too.”
'Cause, you know, Thanksgiving, food...it all makes sense.
You wanted a history lesson, you got a history lesson. Hope you don't mind a really, really long slideshow.
What's with the box? Who's that creepy guy in the intro? Is Chuck Swirsky really a freakin' nerd? Those questions (and more) will be answered in this video.
The Oddity Archive fills your stocking with Holiday Cheer.* *your mileage may vary
The Archive dusts off a minor (albeit severely butchered) art-house classic. Merry Christmas!
The donations were multiplying like, well—rabbits. I figured y’all were trying to tell me something…
Movies pressed on records? Should've waited 'til the 21st century (the hipsters would eat it up).
Filmed for the CED episode, but cut due to time.
Lots of effort for little (or no) reward? Sounds about right for the Archive.
Basically Ben geeking out about guitars for 25 minutes. Watch at your own risk.
The Oddity Archive® keeps you up to date with what’s hot—as long as the system doesn’t crash—again.
Let’s just say it all just kind of fell in my lap.
Dramamine? Check. Airsick bag? Check. My confidence? Nope.
…or, Ben vs. another expensive hobby. Or, Ben cures the hams. Or, Ben’s already a total ham. Why make it worse?
*As long as you consider 3 to be “many”.
The Oddity Archive® strives to provide the best and latest in home theater tune-ups. They still make laserdiscs, right?
The one time where it's ok to giggle at Ben's Junk.
The most risqué episode of Archive since…the last one.
It takes a steady hand to run one of these. Unfortunately, that’s something I very much lack.
The Archive attempts to preserve some (intentionally) disposable culture. It was inevitable.
It’s the 100th episode of the Archive and the expectations are high. Guess we better do something good and commercial.
A wise man once said: “Save the big (stuff) for Ben’s Junk—it needs all the help it can get.”
Can you really become “techno-hip” all because of a computer chip?
Sometimes it takes a while for Ben's Junk to get in motion.
It’s been a long and difficult season. Let’s end it with something fun (if I can figure out how to assemble these toys, that is).
A little success, a little failure, a little intrigue, a little frustration. In other words, your standard between-season break for Ben.
Discussing another bit of donated junk. The more, the merrier, I guess.
…dragging the Record Ripoff concept kicking and screaming out of the 70’s. What the hell was I thinking?!?
Have your credit cards handy because we’re about to launch our own Home Shopping-type channel! What could possibly go wrong?
Lately, I’ve been getting asked quite a bit about my music collection. All I can say is, be careful what you wish for.
Crank it up and sing along! The madness will naturally follow.
Oh-oh, won’t you tell me again…and again…and again…
Oddity Archive®: Now in ULTRA lo-fi!
By (multiple) request(s), we’re taking another stab at playing back our Flexplay Disposable DVD.
Oddity Archive®: Your home for absurd, costly and borderline-useless “broadcast” experiments since 2015!
Fairly recent for an Archivism—let’s take a look at how the current generation of middle and high-schoolers grew up to be such narcissists.
…because I haven’t REALLY opened myself up to mass criticism for a long time now. NOTE: Everything presented here is based on personal experience. Your mileage may vary!
The Archive takes it to the max--the Betamax, that is.
Yeah, there were some ghosts in the camera—or were they gremlins?
This is your Civil Defense announcer speaking (er, typing) with a VERY important message. But first, this nearly 27-minute Oddity Archive episode.
ACTUAL (paid) TESTIMONIAL: Parenthood turned out to be a real bitch and we were totally unprepared. Thanks bob!
…because as we all know, learning is most fun with famous people.
Another weapon in the Archive’s—well, ARCHIVING arsenal.
Another Thanksgiving episode? Must be time to unload some more proverbial turkeys (now more cynically than ever)!
The second (and hopefully final) installment in the Archive’s “Idiot’s Guide” how-to series.
Well, I already discussed Big Mouth Billy Bass. Might as well finish the 90’s/Gemmy/Talking Novelty Item concept.
The most deep-hurtingest Christmas ever!
Too impatient for the scrolling TV program guide? Too hip for the good old TV Guide? Have we got the item(s) for you!
Superheroes? What are those?
Bargain Bennie is having his all-time biggest sale on local (and regional) TV commercials! Get ‘em before they’re gone!
‘Tis the season for love—and love gone down the garbage disposer.
Crank up the Fisher-Price turntable for some thumb-suckingly great tunes!
A soldering kit for kids? Yeah, that about fits my skillset.
It’s (100% showtune-free) Musical March (read: Audio Geek March, “Musical March” is just a lot catchier) in Archiveland! Let’s kick it off with a little reevaluation of a format that I’ve bashed in the past.
Like clockwork, I get my hands on a MD Walkman with a mic input just after I finish making the Minidisc episode. I swear it's a conspiracy.
Oddity Archive®: Now with new Superlife® coating!
I was downright embarrassed by my old CED Player (see the CED episode). Obviously, an upgrade was in order.
And welcome to the Oddity Archive…the show that rapidly contracts and expands—but clearly not rapidly enough.
For all the overpriced hunks of plastic in my possession, it’s kind of a wonder that this segment of my record collection is so small.
A mere 5 years in the making! You’d never know it though…
No, this isn’t about those 100 million (or more) copies of “Titanic” and “Jerry Maguire”—useless as they are.
(conversation overheard at VTech, 1988) Boss: What’s a name that sounds good and smart for our quasi-educational video game console? Engineer: Um, Socrates! Boss: Is he smart? Engineer: Yeah. Boss: Perfect! What’s for lunch?
With all this talk of so-called “mobile devices” these days, it seemed worth taking a look into. NOTE: Apologies for the extra soft video on this one. It was especially dark the day this was recorded (weather-wise) and despite using every light I've got, maximum exposure and low-lux, everything still wound up with a serious ca
A couple of obsolete, useless (to me) bits of Pay-TV history—so, of course, I bought them.
And welcome to the Oddity Ar-ar-ar-ar-ar-arc-arch-(SLAP)-Archive!
12 inches of Archivian goodness!
Alternate Title: God, Ben! Don’t you listen to anything from this century?!?!
What’cha doin’ on your rump? Hopefully, you’re watching this episode!
Remember kids, these are MY favorite albums, not yours. If there’s any overlap, consider it a happy accident.
A King-sized episode for a King-sized anniversary. Of course, we can't play any actual Elvis, so let's look at some of the cash-ins based around the man.
A slightly askew edition of Ben’s Junk. Let’s rectify that situation.
Apparently, YouTube (and, by turn, advertisers) see cooking shows as a nice, safe bet. If it makes ‘em happy, the Archive is willing to give the concept a shot. A cooking show—Archive style.
When researching the DBX episode, as best as I could gather, there were no (legit) pre-recorded DBX-encoded audiocassettes. Turns out there was a line of Classical tapes.
New from Sing Alone Video…
…and the great Archive A/V tune-up continues.
I was burning pseudo-incense on not-quite vinyl (while listening to Playtapes) before you were. Take that, hipsters!
The Archive kicks it up a notch—or at least about 1/5 of one.
This offer will expire without notice! Order now!
Remember the single-use 35mm camera? How ‘bout a single-use camcorder?
A double (if not triple) dose of failure. You know you love it.
The Archive gets nostalgic for nukes…
The scariest (in the existentialist sense, at least) Archive Halloween to date!
Ben gets nostalgic for nostalgia—he’s meta like that.
I’d long forgotten just how dangerous it was to be a kid during the 1990’s.
Taking a look at an external preamp for the turntable—largely only because the cool kids are into it.
The Archive returns to its deepest roots (largely because it was convenient).
An especially dull (or sharp) edition of Ben’s Junk—it can go either way.
Oddity Archive® Vinyl: Now 50% lighter and with 50% more foreign debris!
Ben gets ambitious with his Christmas lights—in that, he’s putting any up at all.
Broken equipment, bad records and loopy videos—in other words, your standard Archive Christmas.
…or, Telecine redux.
No fees! No contracts! No service! Dial 1-800 ARCHIVE and save 0%!
It’s no secret that the LP’s discussed on Archive were usually (presumably) buried in someone’s backyard. Naturally, we’re open to any new method of cleaning them up.
More hissy (and at times, indecipherable) goodness from the deepest, darkest depths of the Archive.
Ben’s second new (to him) cassette deck in a year. What makes this one so special?
The Archive finally tackles Outsider Music—via the most unlikely (or is it likely?) of sources!
Taking a look at (possibly) the first-ever CD cleaner/repair thing to ever hit the market. Is it a lost classic?
I knew I shoulda recorded this episode in Dobly...
The second installment on CD cleaning/repair devices. Is it Royally good or Royal garbage?
The Archive sets sail for the United Kingdom in search of some unusual computer storage and sharing methods—we weren’t disappointed.
What’s that thing with the face in the background? This, and many (well, a few) other questions will be answered at long last!
No Billy Joel songs were harmed in the making of this episode.
Let’s commit a bit of Luddite blasphemy, shall we?
These talking pictures will never catch on…come to think of it, these didn’t.
Funny how a little kiddie music, a little commercialism and a heaping helping of Easy Listening stewed in someone’s garage for 40+ years equals such a lovely sonic bouquet.
Finally! An Archive episode with true A E S T H E T I C S!
…because the first reel-to-reel worked so well.
The Archive is getting ready to leave Beautiful Downtown Aurora. Better look at some of our local stuff before we go—and tell a few tales along the way.
Let’s close our Beautiful Downtown Aurora years without any tears (maybe).
Archive 2.0. Was it worth it?
Pre-takedown view count: 350 Record Ripoffs®: Now available on MiniDisc!
By (inexplicably) popular demand, the Rock N’ Roll equivalent to “American Movie” rolls on.
Attempting to realize a viewer’s vision of an old-school, drive-in theater—at home.
It’s been awhile since we’ve had a nice roast in Archiveland…
More 8 frames-per-second at 1,800 revolutions-per-minute goodness from the darkest pits of the Archive!
Well, I kinda killed the Archive’s old LaserKaraoke machine…and I’d been threatening to upgrade the main Laserdisc player. Upgrade time!
The future of the common audiocassette is (er, was) here!
Another fragrant bouquet of dusty, musty, moldy slabs of wax!
The Archive finally acquires some genuine off-air U.K. tapes…complete with some genuine U.K. mold (er, mould).
Some Christmas oddities (and one not-so-oddity) with a real bang to them!
New year, old hindrances…
Let us take another dip into the well of televised municipal culture…
Our trucks are currently scouring your neighborhood with sophisticated equipment to detect anyone watching our show illegally. Don’t you dare question how we do it. Punks.
A massive dose of hissy, sticky goodness that should never be degaussed after midnight!
A genuine(ly twisted) labor of love from your friends at the Oddity Archive®.
Search Frame 30609. Then, add in 29,000. Then, multiply by .84. Then, write down your findings (in order). You are now ready to begin watching this episode of Oddity Archive.
Like in sports, sometimes musicians need a rebuilding season. I promise, it starts resembling "real" music this time…
About a year ago, I came across a pair of unmarked, somewhat damaged 8mm films. Since they both needed some repair, it seemed like a good time for an educational OA episode.
In the name of commercial appeal, the Archive cheapens itself to toilet humor.
Recorded not-live at the fabulous Archive Theatre!
Ben gets far more than he bargained for…and it was hardly a bargain.
A special limited addition—because we don’t think this’ll sell too well.
Listen to the complete Bennytronics experiment at http://youtu.be/SU5EO7MVjmY
A banquet of oversaturated and generation-lossy goodness from the Archive! Fill-in-the-blankwave fans will love it.
…and the jackpot goes up to 178…episodes, that is!
Our seventh annual marathon of soft rock and mullets…lots and lots of mullets.
…or, Ben enters the Loss Prevention Protection Program.
Another batch of (no more than) 7.5ips goodness…straight from the hea-a-a-arrt.
It takes a LOT of sacrifice to maintain the Archive...
Getting the History of Home Video train back on track with the first great (albeit rather dull) camcorder format.
Guaranteed to get stuck in your head for days…er, weeks…er, months…er, years after viewing!
Would you please make welcome to the Archive...tap-dancing Christmas trees, teddy bears that can wipe out entire armies and...Dennis.
Saying goodbye to the decade that brought us selfies, Alexa, and fidget spinners…and not a minute too soon.
A history lesson so big, it’s gonna have to be its own subseries.
Oddity Archive®…now in glorious, widescreen, 35mm (when possible).
It’s a love obsession at the Archive!
We interrupt this episode of Oddity Archive to bring you...a bunch of other interruptions.
Time to leave the ol’ cassette 4-tracker behind...
Catch all your favorite music videos on The Box...the Cardboard Box, that is!
A springtime-fresh bouquet of ferric (or chrome) goodness!
Oddity Archive®: Now in our exclusive EP (Endless Play) Mode!
...or, the Archive’s idea of nocturnal delight.
Some shows were pre-destined to land in the dumpster or collide with the ol’ bulk eraser…here are five of them that have (at least) somewhat cheated fate.
…or, how an unlikely hit album launched an even more unlikely tidal wave of cash-ins and imitators. In a way, it's the perfect Archivism.
Well, my (working) Summer Vacation turned into a (working) Summer Staycation…
Featuring some of the genuine leg ends of Rock N’ Roll!
A film made especially for the occasion by Swedish documentarian Hans Krullitzer.
Either the all-time most beautiful or most psychedelic episode of the Archive…we’re not sure.
It’s not just VHS…it’s SUPER VHS!
Just when you thought the Archive couldn’t possibly get any more tacky…
Looking at a trio of (slightly misguided) discs touting Pioneer Laserdiscs and Home Theater gear…
Life has gotten so tangled lately. As such, let’s roll things back to the absolute (commercial) basics of Halloween…
You’re not getting older. Just crazier…
Spending Thanksgiving with some prime, succulent, deep cuts of…the Archive.
With (backhanded, insincere) apologies to Hunter S. Thompson: Film Preservation is a cruel and shallow nitrate ditch, a long celluloid hallway where good films rot. That’s just the negative side.
It’s a Vinyl and VHS Christmas! It’s not anywhere near as cool as it sounds…
Myasthenia is better than Yourasthenia. So there.
…or, how Bing Crosby’s golf game launched a technological revolution.
Benny-boy’s unintentional swan song…or is it?
Uh-oh. Benny-boy's playing preservationist again...
ST0P THE TAPE…and watch Benny-boy resurrect another piece of obscure A/V ephemera!
Oddity Archive®: Where the thrills are cheap as radio, and radio is cheap as thrills…
The Oddity Archiveland Service (OAS) has issued a WEATHER WARNING…warning.
Teletext: Not just for Europeans anymore! Well, not really…
…well, listen now to what the Archive says!* *Apologies to The Byrds
A serious dissertation on the dangers of workplace stress and how to cope with it…using pure silliness.
All good things must come to an end…or must they?
…because cassettes are for poseurs.
Some of the most grody tunes we’ve ever covered fer sure, fer sure.
Let us take an all-night flight to remember why USA once was “America’s Favorite Cable Network”…
Whatdaya do when you’ve had your fill of analog media? Start hittin’ the ones and zeros…
Benny-boy celebrates the first annual Silent Movie Day by…talking at great length about the silents. Nobody ever accused him of being sharp…
As of this posting, we’re right on the edge of the 25th anniversary of the introduction of the DVD. Guess it’s finally ripe for Archivedom…
“Benny & The Bot”…coming this fall to KLAK…whether Ben likes it or not. NOTE: Just consider this a 20-minute art film.
Benny the Script Doctor makes a housecall regarding some bad sitcoms.
10 ads (or series thereof) selected by viewers. Any turkeys in this Thanksgiving episode are purely coincidental.
Ah, the good, old days. Back when owning a 16mm film or recording something off the TV could get you a visit from the Feds. Good times…
Archivisms roasting on an open fire…
Hey buddy, wanna hear my (horribly impractical) mixtape?
100% pure, shameless, unfettered nostalgia, courtesy of the Oddity Archive®
Learn all about the fine art of meeting Ben! Extra Special Thanks to Jen Gibbons for passing along the “Hidden Keys…” tape(s)!
Vinyl Potpourri is back! It’s a (1,885 second) miracle!
A solid-state tuner is recommended for the viewing of this OA episode…in some way we haven’t figured out yet.
Another (belated) salute to the bottom of the Mom-and-Pop video rental store barrel!
It’s time for the New $25,000 Pyramid…scheme
Times are changing and KLAK-AM needs to keep up. As such, let’s look at some gimmicks (stunts) used by other radio stations to plug their new formats…
Taking a leisurely, country stroll through the great audiovisual pasture…
Oddity Archive®: Now available in 64kbps mp3!
Four months, three countries, two-hundred-plus dollars all in the name of…meh. Or, what Dolby was to cassette, CX was (supposed to be) for vinyl.
Tackling one of the great urban legends of the Laserdisc format. Are there any “good” copies of Eraser? And, no, I’m not referring to the film itself.
…or, the OA’s (slightly-belated) 10th Anniversary Special.
The Archive finally presents some 100%-pure, down-home musical manure!
This episode is dedicated to those that say we don’t do TV stuff anymore. Maybe we shouldn’t…
Slim Whitman? Blech. Boxcar Willie? Poseur. Only the original TV album guru will do.
Just how close are we to seeing what moviegoers saw in the 1920’s? In these two cases, as it turns out, not very.
We’re all goin’ on a…(quiet, mellow) Autumn Holiday…
Watch horror films, keep Archiveland strong, keep Benny-boy (in)sane.
It’s a friend! It’s a companion! It’s a lifestyle! It’s…supremely annoying…
After 10 years, I guess it’s time for the inevitable “Greatest Hits” package…
Super Oddity Archive®: Now with 50% MORE image than Standard Oddity Archive®! Which is 95% LESS image than HD Oddity Archive®…
Christmas wrapping is so lame—we’re into Christmas Rapping around here!
…because (as we know) what works for 90 minutes once will ALWAYS work for 30 minutes on a regular basis.
Snowbound. Let’s sleep in today…and tomorrow…and the day after…and the day after that…
The new & improved Oddity Archive®! Now cracks those pesky filberts!
A true horror show—just not in the way you’d expect. NOTE: The Video Zone collection is mostly on YT already (culled from the DVD reissues of the Full Moon catalog).
Finally (partially) fulfilling that long wished-for Archivism—beavers—specifically, disco beavers.
You won’t believe your CD-I’s!!!
The Archive drops some MAD flava in your ear…
Don’t let THE MAN bring you down. That’s what Oddity Archive® is for…
Pourin’ one out (er, unraveling a tape) for our vidiot homies…
The OA celebrates Memorial Day with some genuine WTF from the AFN (AFRTS). Presented on the DL of course, ‘cause we gotta think OPSEC.
Ever wonder what it would’ve been like if Rube Goldberg designed a VCR? Neither did I.
You’re in for a “great” time! Would you believe “good” time? How ‘bout “adequate” time?
Quite possibly the ultimate “headphone” episode of OA…for realsies this time.
The Archive finds itself caught in a celluloid jam…
The Archive does a little home video archaeology…
Time to fill up on bratwurst and get down to that fonky, fonky, meut-sick!
Public Domain stuff, VHS, weird music, surrealist humor--your Oddity Archive® bingo card should be 80% full from this one episode alone!
Everybody loves a trilogy…and here’s the last piece of it.
Even the comedy gods (and goddesses) have their off days…
You’ve heard of turkey coma, right? This one’ll give you Archive coma.
Learn all about the ins and out of SCMPF (Simply Can’t Muster Proper Functionality) for your newfangled VCR thing!
‘Twas a few days before Christmas and all through the Archive/A Benny-boy was stirring, to madness he’ll drive…
An episode that’ll make you want to yell “TB-Yes”!
Today’s Oddity Archive® may be taped (analog only) for classroom use until December 31, 2024. After December 31, 2024, all copies must be wiped or destroyed…and don’t think we don’t have the means of finding out if you didn’t.
Oddity Archive® lights up your TV’s* with the ads that please!** *A computer screen will also suffice. **As long as your expectations are suitably low.
An informal Q & A session. Yep, that's about it.
The first Archive Riffs episode. Ben tackles a supposed promotional film for the "Butter & Egg Days Festival" that the Rifftrax guys already did--but they don't know real art (like Ben does).
A commentary cut for the Local TV Special that was originally shelved due to a factual error regarding Indianapolis-based Horror Movie Host, Sammy Terry. Well, that and a couple of other brain farts.
Ben riffs the sole survivor of his childhood Public Domain VHS collection.
Recorded before the original episode premiered. Since then, we've learned that: 1. Audiofidelity Records started in the mid/late 1950's and issued some of the first stereo records. 2. Someone at Audiofidelity went berserk sometime in the '70's and started issuing pirated Beatles albums. 3. Those that signed up for the Kid Pics newsletter wound up on mailing lists for sleazy child beauty pageants (are there any other kind?). Ben has since learned that: 1. Playing a record at 75% of it's original speed is equivalent to flattening the "key" by a fourth, not a flat-fifth. 2. Audio frequencies are exponential. 2. Ben cannot do math in his head.
One of those rare occasions where there was a little TOO much to say in an episode. NOTE: This was recorded before the original episode premiered. 1. Ray Brubaker died in 2009, not 2006. 2. Charies E. Sellier died in 2011, not 2009. 3. As far as I know, Nostradamus never made any sort of end-time predictions with regards to the Year 2000.
Released about five minutes before the Conelrad system was established (and featuring some nice undercranking), 1951's Atomic Alert teaches you how to keep your nuclear experience nice and peaceful.
A new spin-off of the Archive in which a piece of equipment is discussed that either has already been discussed in greater detail or that simply wouldn't amount to even a minisode of Archive. Round 1: A Sony SuperBeta Hifi VCR
The rejected pilot of Ben's Junk (for reasons that should become readily apparent fairly quickly). This time out, Hasbro's failed attempt at a portable DVD player for kids.
By request, Ben discusses "Format Wars". By unilateral action, Ben discusses both "Format Wars" videos in one convenient (for him) commentary.
Little did I know... NOTE: If you don't like my dry, rambling (and stutter-heavy) commentaries, you might wanna skip this one.
Nothing but the cutting edge in home video technology in Archive-land!
I'm so vain, I KNOW I think this short is about me...
I really wanted to be hypnotized! Seriously!
The original "demo" segment in the CD-I episode ran long. REALLY LONG! This is the complete, intended segment shamelessly re-purposed as a "Ben's Junk" episode.
Admittedly, a very stream-of-consciousness commentary here, but a(n apparently) necessary one.
I already discussed this one back on the VCR Ephemera episode, but didn't have one, so I couldn't test it. Let's rectify that situation.
Taking a look at a (rather cryptic) promo reel for a series of silent, educational two-reelers.
A look at the first installment (and, to a lesser degree, the subsequent installments) of the recurring Record Ripoffs series. This is a commentary I’ve been wanting to do for awhile.
A look at one of the many competitors to the Atari 2600.
Ben helps save the environment—with bad audiobooks on a cheap, low-capacity, unalterable mp3 player!
I’m ready for my mail, Mr. DeMille.
Effectively tackling the three “(100% showtune-free) Musical March" episodes all at once. Who’da thunk old audio gear could be so controversial?
A decidedly different installment in the Ben’s Junk series. This time, I take a(n admittedly lengthy) stroll down memory lane about a family vacation from 20 years earlier.
I’ve got search-for-a-reissue-of-the-original-Pac-Man-arcade-game fever…it’s driving me crazy.
A (non-filling) seven-course meal of Turkey Day commercialism!
So, what is the Oddity Archive guy doing with a reissue console?
A little stocking stuffer of yuletide caterwauling—er, caroling!
New year, more audio kit. It’s tradition, ya know?
Time to learn…that edutainment consoles rarely end well.
Wait, didn’t we already cover this? Talk about déjà vu…
Ben’s recovering from a virus (and middle-ear dysfunction). Sounds like a good time to do a (kiddie) camcorder review.
We’re just a bunch of old softies…with a taste for bent story arcs.
Will our scrappy hero escape the clutches of the snow monster? Find out in our next installment: “Frosty The Slowman, or, Snow Thanks to You”!
Tagline: Ben: Hey, good lookin’! How ‘bout I pick you up later? Attractive Lady: (smacks Ben so hard his fillings are rearranged) Ben: But it worked for the guy in the commercial…
Another fixer-upper? In Archiveland? Never!!!
While researching the recent VHS Distributors episode, I kept running into references to a publication known as the “Big Reel”. Turns out, it’s most (in)famous of the old film collector publications—and it’s easy to see why.
In a way, Laserdiscs never really outgrew their experimental phase. Here’s an informal, overview of SOME of the more idiosyncratic Laserdiscs out there (and/or their packaging).
DVD Easter Eggs? Nah, way too easy.
A double dose of turn-of-the-millennium PC goodness!
After a long delay…well, I’ve got some good news and some bad news.
The Archive finally gets to “see the X”! Spoiler: It’s a rock.
Let’s see if we can’t clear up some misconceptions about this episode…
I was going a little stir crazy at the end of last season. So, naturally, I decided to add a little to my at-home clutter.
New from K-Smell Records, it’s all those irritating moments that lead off each Record Ripoffs episode in one convenient package! ORDER NOW!!!
Readin' and dreamin' 'bout those Archivisms that’ll probably never happen.
All seven minutes of the Archive’s low-grade, wannabe Frippertronics experiment! Earplugs are highly recommended.
Uh, oh. Ben’s geeking out again. Get comfy.
...or, how Ben unwittingly jumped on the "lo-fi" bandwagon.
Who says Ben’s got no rhythm? He’s got 10 of them!
...or, The Space-Age Sounds of the Oddity Archive! (now available on vinyl and 3¾ips reel)
Featuring our Special Guest: Zippy The Chimp!
Can your heart (or better yet, head) stand a trip through this haunted house? No, seriously, this is our most headache-inducing one yet.
The first new piece of music I've written and released since 2012. As a challenge to myself, I tasked myself with creating a song using nothing but my old Moog/Realistic Concertmate MG-1 synthesizer--which is a REAL challenge given that I'm not a synth geek and my keyboard skills are dodgy at best. It also had to sound like something that could've been made and released around the time the synth was made (circa 1982). As such, effects are used sparingly and are confined to the basics (read: EQ, reverb & compression). Written as part of my ongoing attempts at creating some new, original incidental music for Oddity Archive. NOTE: Just in case you couldn't tell, the synth pics shown are NOT representative of the patches used.
Whatdaya mean you forgot you had a Moog? Also, synth snobs need not apply.
Since we were already talkin' Video8, it only seemed right to cover the Archive's first camcorder...not to mention, a piece of gear still (as of this episode) in regular use around Archive HQ.
Guaranteed to keep this (internet) video from rolling!
Can online audio mastering render audio mastering engineers obsolete? The short answer: No. Having said that, it's not as bad as you'd think.
Just your standard, good, old-fashioned combustible, unnerving, overpriced country Christmas...
Celebrating the true meaning of Boxing Day...a whole lotta furniture and carpet sales.
A would-be full-fledged video format episode...which got curtailed by (amazingly enough) a lack of computer stuff at Archive HQ.
An informal stroll few some cherry-picked titles from Ben's (somewhat unintentional) collection of B-Movies and Cult Classics.
...or, what happens when ol' Benny-boy decides he needs more than 2 microphone inputs.
Yes, I bought another synth. Yes, I swatted myself on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper over my lack of self-control.
Now you can enjoy a classic OA sign-off without all that pesky talking and technical junk! F.D.G. = Fully Digital Gunk? Faulty Daily Gherkins? Make up your own acronym.
Lookin' under the hood of Ben's laserdisc player (quite appropriately) with some General Motors discs.
Benny-boy’s (non-accredited) Audio School is now in session!
Please note that this episode may not run correctly unless your monitor is running at a minimum of 256 colors and your system has at least 12MB of available RAM.
Well, my last attempt at a semi-regular home audio recording rig failed...and my regular laptop is on its last legs. Here's my attempt at solving both issues at once.
Time to take a bet(t)a look at the Archive's first Betamax - from before the Archive even existed (in every sense).
A genuine televisual feast.
Question #196.5: What is the Quiz Wiz lacking? Multiple Choice: A. An objective B. A reward C. Entertainment value D. All of the above
In honor of the "Switched-On Archive" episode, I figured I'd make two pieces of music, one to represent both extremes of the trend of late '60's/early '70's Moog Synthesizer albums--the good and the "bad". This rendition of the Archive's usual theme song is intended to salute/work within the realm of the album that (unwittingly) started it all, Wendy Carlos' "Switched-On Bach" (1968). This was created entirely on a Moog MG-1 and was done strictly within the realm of what was possible in the late '60's and early '70's. Keeping in spirit with the original, monophonic synths of the '60's, I used NONE of the polyphonic settings.
My half-salute to/half-parody of those especially tacky late '60's/early '70's Moog Synthesizer albums. The cheese factor goes to 11 here. This was created...without a Moog. Instead, I used a Behringer Neutron monophonic synth (more potential whiz-bang sound effects than my Moog MG-1) and a circa 1972 Whippany Rhythm Master. This was recorded with the general limitations of this period of recording gear.
The Archive gets secure…or just paranoid.
OA calling CQ, hopefully DX, lookin’ for the QT on the DL while TCB.
Archive Thrifting is a magical tool of last resort…Why? Because it NEVER fails!
…or, Ben’s weirdest pet-project to date! (kerchunk)
Initially intended as a full-band "electric" tune, but recorded as a folk piece back in 2004. Sixteen years later, I'm finally getting around to an electric version--albeit with some slightly cinematic modifications.
Dare we say, a delightfully bucolic edition of Archive Thrifting.
Meet the Archive’s new (to us) 8-track deck…
A rare, intimate, bedroom edition of Ben’s Junk…
I was informed that the regular version was too upbeat and concise for the Episode 200 OA documentary. This was my best attempt at making it as dreary and hazy as possible.
Representing the dry, yet thoughtful end of Episode 200...
Ok, time for my side of the story…
Somehow I started with what I thought was a pretty cool-sounding canned rhythm (running through a guitar delay pedal) and wound up with a Jean-Michel Jarre pastiche. No idea how I got there.
Since I had S-VHS and VCR’s on the brain already (moreso than usual), it seemed like the right time to revisit one of the early, ultra-wonky Ben’s Junk topics.
October 4, 2020 marked the 125th anniversary of comedian/filmmaker Buster Keaton’s birth. Consider this the Archive’s (slightly belated and rambling) tribute to one of the greats…
It’s the first Archive Thrifting Spooktacular! Strangely enough, it’s probably one of the least scary Thrifting episodes to date.
You can keep your fancy digital cameras, thank you very much.
A slow-speed ramble for a slow-speed format…
We be stylin’…stylus(in’), that is…y’all.
Fillin’ up the ol’ one-horse open sleigh with…some junk.
Time to get back in the groove! (dodges tsunami of rotten produce)
Finishing up the trilogy of belatedly-acquired, nostalgically-motivated miniature video game consoles…
No one should ever get this excited over something this mundane… Or, this CRT is 20 AF…y’all. NOTE: Not that it really bears mention, but, the occasional flicker and frame-rate mismatch is on my camcorder’s part—everything looked correct in person.
You’ll be green with envy over these finds…or not.
Just when you thought the Archive couldn’t get any more phake…
It’s time to get down to business in Archiveland!
Can a (relative) cheapie from Menard’s drag the Archive’s off-air recording capabilities (kicking and screaming) into the 21st century? Sort of…
A late-night, low-light, romantic fishing expedition with everybody’s favorite Oddity Archivist…fishing for Archive Annex material, that is.
Could it be I’ve finally stumbled onto the rightful heir of the VCR? Looks like it…
A double-(4)-header of D-VHS (when possible) goodness!
If ever an OA episode needed a commentary track, it’s this one…
Featuring deals so far outta sight, they’re outta mind!
Of course, I had to pick up a rare and unusual deck for a tape cleaning rig. Also, not to be confused with the Akai GX-220D.
You wanted a history lesson? You got a history lesson!
The Archive delivers its first real travelogue…granted, it was all of a half-hour away from home, but still.
Thrifting can be a real drag…but not when Ben’s around!
A bit of VHSMR for everyone…
There’s plenty in the OA oven right now, just none of it is rising.
I got things just a hare wrong the first time around, so let’s hop to another round of tests…
Most people would rent a video once…Benny-boy was just insane enough to rent the same tapes over and over…then eventually buy them.
A half-hour Ben’s Junk? You might say the machine caused it to run reely long.
Get a witches shawl on and find a broomstick you can crawl on…and go thrifting with Benny-boy! (snap, snap)
0:01 - Thereminiature (featuring Sty Lo Phone) (A bit of B-Movie cheese) 1:36 - Pavanned (Version 6.66) (A half parody of/half tribute to the Alan Parsons Project)
Tagline: Finally getting into this newfangled digital camera stuff…whatdaya mean you can’t get 3.5” floppies anymore?!?
Does Ben really think he’s better than Chuck Swirsky? That freakin’ liberal…
‘Tis the season…for holiday specials. Here’s some of my favorites…
Run, run Rudolph…towards another pile of junk!
Move over, “History of the Eagles”. There’s a new rock doc opus in town…
Going down a mental rabbit hole…in the most Archivian way possible.
Not so much chosen for musical content, but because of the long spaces between phrases and major volume drops. Shame it isn't more EQ'd, this'd the ultimate stress test for a PCM unit otherwise.
Feeling nostalgic for those early YouTube potato video captures? I’ve got just the scratch for that itch…
At long last, Ben’s Junk gets the clap…per. Yes, this is intended as an addendum of sorts to the “Overplayed Commercials” episode.
A little mythbusting (and philosophizing)…OA style.
After last week’s video, I had to seek a 600-second miracle of my own. It seems to involve turning into a less-charming Daniel Johnston.
An addendum to the “Prehistoric UHF” episode…and the “ONTV/Pay TV Vol. 2” episode—about three years too late.
For those about to rock (in 11/4 time), we salute you…
Ben recreates the best TV program of all time—the color bars!
Flying by the seat of Benny's ripped (by wear and tear) jeans using only an iPad and his (half-)wit to try and raise money for a new computer.
It takes a lot to keep Ben’s Junk together…‘cause Ben’s Junk ain’t no good when it’s distorted and out-of-sync.
A little (non-alcoholic) wine, a little song...which'll all cease if the price is right. Otherwise, we'll chat and I may pick a techie brain or two.
A casual chat…if only because the prospect of the sixth “Ben’s Junk” in a row was too much to bear. NOTE: As of the making of this video, all the Easter Eggs mentioned are available for viewing/listening on YT.
Please note, these are the statements of an analog-brained lunatic and are probably woefully inaccurate. In other words, never give an analog brain a computer.
CRT’s are for squares…which we proudly are.