Lügen, Geheimnisse und Verräter kosten Nobuna den Sieg und möglicherweise das Leben von einem ihrer Gefolgsleute.
While many clans have accepted Yoshimoto as the new Shogun, there are still some who refuses to acknowledge her, particular those allied with the Miyoshi Three. Despite having Danjyou as their ally, they don't have enough proof to arrest the ringleaders of the Miyoshi Three. Because the Asai and Asakura clans are allies, Nobuna decides to attack Wakasa rather than Echizen to scare the Asakuras rather than risk provoking the Asais. Meanwhile in Ōmi, Nobusumi discovers that Nagamasa is a woman, having forced to hide her gender because her father Hisamasa refuses to accept a woman as a Daimyo. Nobusumi comforts Nagamasa that she can act like a woman when she's with him since he's her husband. As the Oda army and their allies crosses Ōmi to attack Wakasa, Yoshiharu stays in Kyoto to care a sick Hanbē.