Als sich die rachsüchtige Göttin Bishamon gegen Yato wendet, bittet Hiyori Kofuku und Daikoku um Hilfe, was sich allerdings als desaströs herausstellt.
Yukine, depressed about being used by Yato to kill the girl spirit instead of saving her, steals the skateboard he had his eye on before. When Yato stops him, Hiyori appears, deciding to cover for Yukine by claiming she bought it for him. Just then, a god named Bishamon, holding a personal grudge against him, appears and attacks Yato. Hiyori calls Kofuku and Daikoku to help, tracking Yato's location using her sense of smell. However, Kofuku's attempt to stop the battle ends up making things worse by causing a huge hole with raging storms appear. Bishamon tries to take advantage of the situation, dealing some damage to Yato, but is urged by one of her regalia, Kazuma, to retreat to protect her other regalia.
De plus en plus instable et mal à l'aise avec son statut de shinki, Yukine vole un skateboard dans un magasin. Alors que Hiyori essaie de couvrir son crime pour éviter que Yato ne le punisse, une déesse montée sur un lion, Bishamon, attaque le dieu errant sans somation, réclamant vengeance contre le meurtrier de ses shinkis.
Quando il vendicativo dio Bishamon prende di mira Yato, Hiyori chiede aiuto a Kofuku e Daikoku, ma il loro intervento si rivela disastroso.
과거 신기를 베이고 원한을 가지고 있는 비샤몬텐과 마주치게 된 야토. 안 그래도 신기를 여러 명 거느리고 있어 야토에겐 어려운 상대임에도 유키네는 자꾸 공격을 주저하는데...
Ha Yukine emociones en conflicto acerca de su papel como Regalia de Yato afecta Yato física y hace que su destrozo a ser peor, ya que los dioses están conectados a su Regalia. Yato es atacado por Bishamon , un Dios poderoso con muchas Regalia.
Yato e Yukine são subitamente atacados por Bishamon, uma deusa maltrapilha da guerra. Enquanto Yato, ferido, tenta lidar com a situação, Hiyori procura a ajuda de outro deus...
Quando o deus vingativo Bishamon ataca Yato, Hiyori convoca Kofuku e Daikoku para ajudar, mas a sua assistência acaba por revelar-se desastrosa.