The results of the 5th round are announced to the 7 members of B team.
In front of all the successful applicants, Chanmina announced that the next round would be the final screening, and also announced the song to be performed.
In addition, Chanmina had a big surprise in store.
She gathered the candidates who had fought and cried together so far and revealed her purpose to them.
It was a “certain belief” that Chanmina had been conveying since the beginning of the audition.
“유사 프로” 5차 심사, B팀 7명에게 결과가 전달된다.
그리고 모든 합격자를 앞에 두고 챤미나는 “다음이 최종 심사가 될 것”이라고 밝히며 과제곡도 발표한다.
또한, 챤미나는 깜짝 서프라이즈 연출을 준비해 놓았다고 한다.
지금까지 함께 고생하고 눈물을 흘린 후보자들을 모아 그녀들에게 목적을 밝힌다.
그것은 챤미나가 오디션 시작부터 전해온 '신념'이었다.