45-year-old Reiji Watanabe (Kei Tanaka) visits his parents' home. His parents used to run an arcade. While there, Reiji fondly yearns for his friends Kido and Takano.
Back in 1983, their family's arcade "Game Center Watanabe" was always full of customers, including neighborhood kids and salarymen. Reiji's friend Kido would come over to their arcade every day. Kido would spend most of his allowance on the games there. Reiji wasn't interested in the video games at the time, but after he saw a pretty girl named Takano playing, he also began to play. Reiji and Kido would then compete all the time.
From 1983, Reiji, Kido and Takano enjoyed playing games and experienced good and bad times together.
- One Coin Arcade Gamer
- No Con Kid
2013年,45歲的男子渡邊禮治(田中圭 飾)回到父親雅史(佐藤二朗 飾)當年經營的遊戲廳,店內留下的筆記本勾起了他對30年前電玩史的回憶。1983年,幫老爹看店的禮治結識了擅長各種電玩的通關高手“KID”木戶明信(濱野謙太 飾)以及擁有攝人魅力的少女高野文美(波瑠 飾)。在之後的歲月裡,他們的友情斷斷續續維繫著,並共同經歷了《勇者鬥惡龍2》的攻關之夜。文美由模特轉行編輯,實現了時尚雜誌編輯的夢想。木戶朝著遊戲開發的王國進發。禮治則吊兒郎當,無所事事。大型機、紅白機、Game Boy、世嘉、超級任天堂、PS2。遊戲設備更新換代,日新月異,伴隨著這三個充滿童心的好朋友們成長。而經過一番波折後,2013年他們的故事還將繼續。 一幣通關小子的電玩史,更是整整一代人難以忘卻的美好回憶……