Ein fulminantes Finale! Raku und seine Verehrerinnen spielen auf der Theaterbühne ihr wahres Beziehungsleben. Die Zuschauer sind voll aus dem Häuschen.
With Chitoge's inclusion into their cast, the play commences with Shu as the narrator taking their performance into a comedic turn, adding nonsensical subplots into the play's story for the enjoyment of the audience but for the chagrin to some of its casts. Nevertheless, the play finishes, gaining warm admiration from the audience while Chitoge recognizes her true love for Raku. With their usual relationship back in place, Chitoge apologizes to Raku for her harsh behavior and adds that she will still be herself in front of him. During a conversation with Kosaki, Raku takes notice of Kosaki's desire of playing the role of Juliet. To compensate for not having played her role, as a result Raku and Kosaki reprise their roles as Romeo and Juliet respectively and did a private play for themselves as Chitoge looks into the horizon and remarks the conclusion of their memorable cultural festival.
Raku et Chitoge se sont enfin réconciliés. Cette dernière remplace Kosaki dans le rôle de Juliette au pied levé. La pièce débute, mais Shû est bien décidé à s’en donner à cœur joie...
오노데라의 대역으로 치토게가 줄리에을 이어받으면서 1학년 C반의 무대가 시작된다. 라쿠와 치토게는 평소 쌓아온 관계를 바탕으로 무대를 이끌어 나갔는데…
Raku y Chitoge hacen un gran papel en la obra de teatro, y tras ella, todo parece volver a la normalidad entre ambos. ¿Esto significa que Rakun finalmente podrá escoger con qué chica quiere estar?