All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 "Come Unto Me" (The Gospels)

    • January 2, 2004

    Student interviews and experiences from the life of the Savior emphasize why we should come unto Him.

  • S01E02 The Maze (New Testament)

    • January 2, 2004

    A teenage competition through a maze is used as an analogy to show how the scriptures helps us get through life.

  • S01E03 New Testament Setting (New Testament)

    • January 2, 2004

    A television news magazine helps us understand the religious and political climate at the time of Christ.

  • S01E04 New Testament Customs

    • January 2, 2004

    Sixteen short video segments help us understand New Testament customs: 1. Fan 2. Phylacteries 3. Wedding Feasts 4. Gethsemane 5. Time 6. The Anointed One 7. Purse and scrip 8. Sackcloth 9. Leprosy 10. Synagogue 11. Sheepfold 12. Shepherd 13. Leaning on someone's bosom 14. Synagogue worship 15. Schoolmaster 16. Gird up your loins

  • S01E05 The Nativity (Luke 2)

    • January 2, 2004

    This presentation depicts the account of Jesus's birth.

  • S01E06 Heavenly Things (John 3)

    • January 2, 2004

    This presentation depicts the Savior teaching Nicodemus of "heavenly things" (John 3:12).

  • S01E07 The Woman at the Well (John 4)

    • January 2, 2004

    This presentation depicts the Savior teaching a Samaritan woman that He is the source of living water.

  • S01E08 "Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole" (Matthew 9)

    • January 2, 2004

    The members of a family in trouble discover the Savior's power to heal physically and spiritually. 1. Challenges 2. A test of faith

  • S01E09 Parables (Matthew 13)

    • January 2, 2004

    A miniature New Testament character teaches a young man how to understand parables. 1. Camouflaged creatures 2. Creatures revealed 3. The sower

  • S01E10 Justice and Mercy (Matthew 21)

    • January 2, 2004

    A doctrinal explanation of how the Lord's justice and mercy affect us.

  • S01E11 The Sacrament (Luke 22:1-20)

    • January 2, 2004

    A young man away at college discovers the significance of remembering.

  • S01E12 "To This End Was I Born" (Matthew 26-28)

    • January 2, 2004

    This segment depicts the concluding hours of the Savior's mortal ministry.

  • S01E13 The Road to Emmaus (Luke 24)

    • January 2, 2004

    This presentation depicts the Savior's appearance to two disciples on the road to Emmaus after His resurrection.

  • S01E14 "Feed My Sheep" (John 21)

    • January 2, 2004

    Five short dramatizations explore the Savior's request to feed His sheep. 1. Track meet on Sunday 2. Assigned a friend? 3. A valued gift 4. Swearing 5. School bus

  • S01E15 Long-Promised Day (Acts 10)

    • January 2, 2004

    This presentation is a modern-day example of the Lord directing the Church through revelation to His prophet.

  • S01E16 Paul: A Chosen Vessel (Acts 21-28)

    • January 2, 2004

    This presentation depicts how the Lord molded and prepared Paul for his call to the ministry.

  • S01E17 The Doctrine of Grace (Romans)

    • January 2, 2004

    Three segments illustrate how the Lord's grace can help us gain salvation, overcome trials, and receive His daily assistance. 1. Parable of the bicycle 2. Paralyzed gymnast 3. Receiving daily assistance

  • S01E18 Faith and Works (Romans)

    • January 2, 2004

    An expedition to the North Pole serves an an analogy how grace, faith, and works are necessary to gain eternal life.

  • S01E19 The Body Is a Temple (1 Corinthians 3-6)

    • January 2, 2004

    Keeping a home clean and beautiful serves as an analogy about keeping our lives worthy of the Spirit. 1. Room transformation 2. Making choices

  • S01E20 Godly Sorrow Leads to Repentance (2 Corinthians 7)

    • January 2, 2004

    A young woman learns the difference between worldly sorrow and godly sorrow.

  • S01E21 The Law of the Harvest (Galatians 6)

    • January 2, 2004

    At harvest time, a family garden produces different fruits and vegetables than what was planted.

  • S01E22 "The Whole Armour of God" (Ephesians 6:10-18)

    • January 2, 2004

    A modern-day illustration of Paul's counsel to "put on the whole armour of God" (Ephesians 6:11).

  • S01E23 The Second Coming (2 Thessalonians 1:2-3)

    • January 2, 2004

    Three general conference excerpts address modern-day issues concerning the Second Coming of the Savior. 1 & 2. Elder Boyd K. Packer 3. Elder Neal A. Maxwell

  • S01E24 "The Just Shall Live by Faith" (Hebrews 11)

    • January 2, 2004

    A new convert's faith is tried when a promise given at his confirmation seems unfulfilled.

  • S01E25 Helps for Understanding the Book of Revelation (Revelation)

    • January 2, 2004

    An archaeologist and two assistants discover symbols from the book of Revelation on the walls of an ancient room. 1. Archaeologists' discovery 2. Structure and symbols 3. Main theme