ما زال يُشار للإله "سِت" على إنه إله الشر عند المصريين القدماء، وذلك لقتله أخيه أوزيريس وصراعه مع حورس، ومع ذلك فحكاية "ست" أعقد من ذلك بكثير.. حكاية "ست" هي حكاية الحضارة المصرية القديمة التي تم تشويهها وخلط رموزها.
The god Set is still referred to as the god of evil among the ancient Egyptians, due to his killing of his brother Osiris and his conflict with Horus. However, the story of Set is much more complex than that. The story of Set is the story of the ancient Egyptian civilization that has been distorted and its symbols mixed up.