Home / Series / Nenstand Full Fights / Aired Order / Season 1984 / Episode 23

The Ginyu Force (The Terrible Ginyu Special-Squad)

Kuririn meets the Great Elder who gives him a Dragon Ball to help him. Zarbon is ordered by Freeza to find Vegeta, who already has a Dragon Ball and thus, his location is unknown. Vegeta takes advantage of the situation and, after recovering, he becomes strong enough to kill Zarbon thanks to the Saiyans' genetic ability. Kuririn takes Gohan to visit the Great Elder to see if he can awake his hidden power, but Vegeta finds them. Before attacking them, Vegeta discovers that Freeza's elite soldiers, the Ginyu Force, have arrived on Namek and agrees to join forces with Kuririn and Gohan to confront them. Captain Ginyu steals their Dragon Balls and takes them to Freeza, while his companions faces their opponents. Vegeta decapitates Gurd with a single blow, but he is then defeated by Reacoom.

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  • Created August 12, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified August 12, 2020 by
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