Malé dievčatko vyhadzovalo vtáčiky z hniezda a tak spadla aj ona a jej mladší súrodenci si prajú, aby sa neprebrala. Noel a Denisa sú spolu šťastní, ale nechcú sa uponáhľať. Doktorke Hauptmannovej sa nepáči prítomnosť inej psychiatričky na pracovisku a dá Marekovi ultimátum. Adam pripravuje veľké prekvapenie.
The little girl was throwing the birds out of the nest, and she too fell, and her younger siblings wish that she would not wake. Noel and Denisa are happy together, but they don't want to rush things. Dr. Hauptmann doesn't like the presence of another psychiatrist at the workplace and gives Marek an ultimatum. Adam is preparing a big surprise.