Braňo si uvedomuje, že do atestácie mu veľa času neostáva. Zatiaľ, čo sa Rebeke venujú dvaja špičkový lekári, Braňo na operačnej sále ani nebol. Doktor Čierny žiali za Oľgou, avšak pribudnú mu iné starosti keď jeho tehotnú dcéru privezú do nemocnice. Marek usporadúva svoju narodeninovú oslavu, no celý deň ho všade máta prítomnosť detí.
Braňo realizes that he does not have much time left until the certification. While Rebeka was being attended to by two top doctors, Braňo has yet to be in the operating room. Dr. Čierny mourns for Olga, but he will have other worries when his pregnant daughter is brought to the hospital. Marek organizes his birthday party, but the presence of children everywhere disturbs him all day.