Naruto versucht vergeblich, sich aus Nagatos Gewalt zu befreien. Killer B will ihn retten und wird in die Enge getrieben. Die Lage wird ernst.
Naruto fights to clutch onto his soul that the now-revitalized Nagato was attempting to remove from his body. B arrives at their location and attempts a surprise attack but it is foiled by the shared field-of-vision Nagato has with the Giant Snake-Tailed Chameleon and the King of Hell which had been summoned to store the young man's soul. In the clutches of Nagato's mechanical arms with a cannon pointing at him in point-blank range, the two jinchūriki are saved by Itachi and his Susanoo. Nagato, however, quickly regenerates and uses Chibaku Tensei with the intent of crushing his targets into the planetary body. Though Naruto raised the alarm that there was little they could do against this technique, Itachi rallies the group and has them use their most powerful long ranged attacks to target the center of the sphere, effectively neutralizing the attack. In the aftermath of this, Itachi is able to pierce Nagato with his Totsuka Sword freeing the Rinnegan-wielder from Kabuto's control. With the time he had left, Nagato lamented the fact that he had sullied the brilliant legacy their master had left behind and told Naruto to be the most amazing end to the trilogy that he could be. With this, Naruto tries to move out to the battlefield, but his Nine-Tails Chakra Mode wears off leading Itachi to tell him to not rely solely on his own power, but to put some trust in his comrades and their own power. After telling B to take care of Naruto, he incinerates the crow with Shisui's Sharingan and departs to deal with the person controlling the reincarnated shinobi.
Naruto tente de se libérer de l’étreinte de Nagato sans succès ; Killer Bee vient à son secours mais se fait coincer par les bras mécaniques de Shuradô que Nagato fait sortir de lui. Alors que la situation est critique pour eux deux, Itachi vient les sauver en les prenant sous la protection de son « Susanô » et en envoyant des kunai dans les yeux des invocations de Nagato pour limiter le champ de vision du Rinnegan. Pour essayer de les emprisonner tous les trois, Kabuto fait utiliser à Nagato la « Naissance de l'astre divin ». Itachi analyse l’attaque et demande à ses compagnons de lancer vers le noyau d’attraction leur plus puissante technique.
נארוטו, בי ואיטאצ'י, אשר השתחרר משליטת הג'וטסו
אדו-טנסיי, נלחמים בנאגאטו שנמצא תחת שליטתו של קאבוטו.
Nagato, sotto il completo controllo di Kabuto, evoca il Ningendo per strappare l'anima di Naruto e Killer Bee, sopraggiunto per aiutare il ninja della Foglia; Itachi, utilizzando il Susano'o, libera le due forze portanti, ma Nagato ricorre al Chibaku Tensei per catturarli.
Itachi usa o mais poderoso genjutsu existente, Ilustres Deuses Celestiais, para libertar-se do Jutsu da Reencarnação Impura. Itachi se junta a Naruto e Bee para lutar contra Nagato, que ainda está sob o controle de Kabuto.
Nagato le está quitando el alma a Naruto quien se da de cuenta que puede utilizar los poderes de todos los "Caminos". Nagato usa el Camino Infierno, Killer Bee llega en el auxilio de Naruto pero Nagato lo atrapa usando el Camino Asura antes de que ataque en ese momento llega Itachi quien utiliza el Susano para salvarlos, Nagato usa el Chibaku Tensei para acabar con todos, Itachi dice que hay que atacar todos al tiempo con la mejor técnica para destruir el núcleo, cuando todos atacan hay una gran explosión, después de eso Nagato es atravesado por la Espada Totsuka del Susano la cual lo va a sellar, en sus últimas palabras Nagato le dice a Naruto que será el volumen final de la trilogía. Una vez que Nagato ha sido sellado, Kabuto sacara su carta de triunfo, Itachi le dice a Naruto y Killer Bee que detendrá el Edo Tensei y a Naruto que no tiene que parar la guerra el solo sino que tiene que confiar en sus amigos para ser reconocido. Itachi les encarga a Madara, se despide y se marcha.
Itachi usa o mais poderoso genjutsu existente, Ilustres Deuses Celestiais, para libertar-se do Jutsu da Reencarnação Impura. Itachi se junta a Naruto e Bee para lutar contra Nagato, que ainda está sob o controle de Kabuto.
最強幻術“別天神(ことあまつかみ)”の力によって、イタチは穢土転生の術から解き放たれた! 一方、長門は完全に意識を乗っ取られてしまい、輪廻眼の力でナルトたちに襲いかかる。
Português - Portugal
Português - Brasil