Naruto trainiert die Waisenkinder und verbringt mit ihnen einen schönen Tag, da taucht der tot geglaubte Großvater von Leo und Mina auf.
Miina wakes up in the middle of a night after having a nightmare where Naruto is consumed by numerous snakes inside his subconscious while the Nine-Tails looks on and goes to Dokku for consolation. The next morning Naruto wakes up feeling ill but despite this, decides to train the children after being prompted by them. Meanwhile in the wasteland outside of The Hole, the reanimated Deidara and Hidan begin a heated debate after slaughtering some of the village guards. Miina then has another strange dream where the village is attacked by a multiple-eyed creature, however she is saved by Naruto, covered in the golden chakra reminiscent of the Nine-Tails Fox Mode. Back in the wasteland, Deidara and Hidan continue to argue about the flaws of their abilities but are attacked by Yamato and Sai who are accompanied by a squad of village guards. Upon returning to Shiseru's home with Naruto still feeling unwell, Miina has another strange dream where she sees the snakes envelop Naruto's body while being coaxed by an unknown voice. She then rushes to Naruto and begins pounding his stomach. Shiseru then involuntarily hits Miina leaving everyone in shock. Later the village Chief, along with some guards come to the house. He tries to get the location of the the remaining pieces of the village treasure entrusted to Dokku, however Miina is able to discern his true nature, revealing him to be a reanimated corpse. Kabuto then reveals himself and summons more reanimated corpses who Naruto and Sakura engage in battle. Although, Naruto is pushed back by the reanimated Hayate Gekou which causes Miina to again run to Naruto and revealed to be shouting at the snakes within him which he regurgitates. The snakes, now enfused with the Nine-Tails' chakra solidfy into a miniaturized four-tailed demon fox form. Kabuto then places a talisman into the creature but finds it difficult to control. The creature then goes on a rampage.
Mina a des visions concernant Naruto et des serpents qui lui font peur. Kabuto utilise le garde de Tonika pour créer une nouvelle invocation. Naruto, bien que de plus en plus mal, accepte d’entraîner les enfants, tandis que Deidara et Hidan sont attaqués par Yamato, Saï et quelques gardes. Après l’entraînement, les enfants commencent à former une véritable famille avec Dokku et Shiseru, mais de retour à la maison, Mina agresse Naruto en le frappant au ventre et en disant « partez » ; Shiseru la gifle. Le lendemain, ils reçoivent la visite du chef de Tonika qui semble avoir survécu ; il demande à Dokku où est la partie du trésor qu’il lui a confié, mais Mina a une vision et ils découvrent que c’est une invocation de Kabuto ; ce dernier apparaît et les attaque avec d’autres invocations pour obtenir l’emplacement du trésor de force. Durant le combat, Naruto se roule soudainement par terre de douleur, et Mina le frappe à nouveau en disant « partez » ; il vomit alors des serpents de Kabuto qui s’assemblent pour former un Naruto revêtu du manteau de Kyûbi à quatre queues, qui attaque Sakura, puis Naruto, les mettant hors de combat.
Mina durante la notte si sveglia per un incubo con i serpenti che hanno inghiottito Naruto.
Naruto se siente enfermo, los niños quieren que el los entrene, mientras que Kabuto está realizando el Edo Tensei, Miina le dice a Naruto que se vaya pues al verlo observa algo extraño en el. Más tarde el líder del pueblo Tonika llega pidiéndole el tesoro a Dokku que le dejo a guardar pero Miina se percata de que no es su abuelo, luego aparece Kabuto e invoca a unos Shinobis de Konoha, se libra una batalla pero Naruto esta débil para pelear el cual escupe unas serpientes pequeñas que se transformarían en un tipo de Kyubi de cuatro colas el cual Kabuto trata de tomar el control pero no puede. El clon del Kyubi se dispone a atacar a todos.
Naruto e Sakura decidem passar a noite na casa de Shiseru para ajudar a tomar conta dos sobreviventes. Embora as crianças chorem e sintam falta de seus falecidos pais, Dokku e Shiseru se esforçam para fazer com que todos se sintam como uma nova família.
Naruto e Sakura decidem passar a noite na casa de Shiseru para ajudar a tomar conta dos sobreviventes. Embora as crianças chorem e sintam falta de seus falecidos pais, Dokku e Shiseru se esforçam para fazer com que todos se sintam como uma nova família.