Tsuwabuki Masaharu ist ein schüchterner, aber relativ normaler Junge, welcher zu der einzigen Schule in Hoshigaoka geht. Als er eine Stufe überspringt und somit die Klasse wechselt, fällt es ihm anfangs schwer mit seinen neuen Klassenkameraden in Kontakt zu kommen. Doch eines Tages im Mai ändert sich Masaharus Leben komplett. Nachdem er eine seltsame Flüssigkeit getrunken hat, verwandelt er sich in ein kleines Stoffschaf sobald die Sonne untergeht. Der einzige Weg jenes Szenario aufzuheben, ist die "Drops der Sterne" zu sammeln. Die einzige Person, die dazu in der Lage ist, wird von einem speziellen Stab ausgewählt. Das Problem ist jedoch, dass gesuchte Person das Mädchen Akihime Sumomo ist, eine Klassenkameradin, mit der er noch nie ein Wort gewechselt hat...
What if, when watching the stars outside the window...
What if, when writing in your secret diary at the end if the day...
...A mysterious light suddenly falls from the sky...
Tsuwabuki Masaharu, or Haru as his friends like to call him, is your normal middle school student. Now in his second year, his friends push him to speak with his classmates whom he has yet to speak to, but this was still difficult for Haru due to his clumsy nature.
One afternoon, his life met with a 180° turn during a strange encounter in the hallways of Hoshigaoka School. During that fateful encounter, he accidentally drank a magical potion which makes him transform into a stuffed animal sheep during the night!
Haru later learns that in order to return to his original self, he needs to collect "star droplets" that fall from the sky. However, being that his innards are now made of cotton, he will need the help of a "special person." Little did he know that the special person was someone from his class.
Living a double life between his day-self and his sheep form "Yuki-chan," page one of his story, her story, and the story of nanatsuiro drops begins...
Que se passe-t-il si lorque l'on regarde les étoiles de sa fenêtre...
... Une mysterieuse lumière tombe alors soudainement du ciel...
Tsuwabuki Masaharu, ou bien Haru pour les intimes, est un jeune étudiant sans histoire. Un après midi, pendant une réunion de club des plus étranges, il boit par maladresse une potion magique qui ne lui était pas destiné. Celle-ci a pour effet de le transformer en mouton en peluche la nuit venue. Haru apprend qu'afin de retrouver sa forme première il a besoin de collecter les " Stars droplets" qui tombent du ciel. De plus, il aura besoin de l'aide d'une personne spéciale pour l'accompagner. Malheureusement cette personne se trouve être parmi ses camarades de classe.
... . l'histoire de nanatsuiro drops commence alors !!
少しだけ不器用 だけど、どこにでもいる普通の男の子。
学年も変わって新しくなったクラスで今まで一度も話したことのな かった同級生たちと話すことは、
《세상에서 가장 별에 가까운 마을》이라 불리는 마이가타 시에 있는 별의 언덕. 그 언덕에 세워져 있는 세이죠 학원에 다니는 츠와부키 마사하루는 남들을 대하는 것이 조금 서툴지만, 어디에나 있는 평범한 남학생이다.
5월의 어느 날, 복도에서 부딪힌 수상한 청년에게서 건내받아 마신 음료수에 의해 '양 인형'이 되고 말았다. 원래대로 돌아기 위해서는 신비한 지팡이에 선택된 여자아이와 함께 별의 물방울을 모으는 것. 하지만, 정체를 들켜버리면, 영영 돌아갈수 없게 된다.
낮에는〈츠와부키 마사하루〉로서, 해가 저물면 양 인형인〈유키쨩〉으로서 아키히메 스모모와 함께 별의 물방울을 모으게 된다.
為了回復原狀,如月老師說需要由湊集七個「星」而作成的藥。但是,能採集星露只有Stellar Spinear(ステラスピニア)而已。所以他坐着說明書(レシピ,Recipe)去尋找Stellar Spinear,而Stellar Spinear就是秋姬絲茉茉,並且被秋姬絲茉茉取名為小雪。