In the late 1970s, on the steam train from Ningyang to Hacheng, young conductor Wang Xin diligently performed his duties among the bustling passengers. Mistaking the old railway policeman Ma Kui for a fugitive, they began an unlikely mentor-disciple relationship. From initial dislike to mutual respect, Wang Xin and Ma Kui fought side by side on the front line of railway public security. They tackled issues such as theft, abduction, drug enforcement, patrolling, and combating thefts and robberies, always prioritizing the safety of every passenger, selflessly safeguarding the security of trains traveling between north and south. Wang Xin and Ma Kui passed on the torch of railway police across generations, witnessing the development of China's railways from steam locomotives to electric locomotives and then to high-speed trains, witnessing the rapid changes in China.
Chine, fin des années 70.
Dans le train à vapeur reliant Ningyang à Hacheng, Wang Xin accomplit sa mission de chef de wagon avec sérieux. Un malentendu le lie d’amitié avec un agent de sécurité ferroviaire nommé Ma Kui qui deviendra son mentor. Gagnant peu à peu l'estime de son aîné, Xin fait équipe avec Kui pour assurer la sécurité des passagers, devant faire face à de nombreux dangers.