"Dass ich sterbe, damit habe ich mich abgefunden. Aber nicht damit, dass ich euch alleine lasse. Mit diesen Videos habt ihr mich immer noch ein bisschen bei euch ... wenn ihr wollt." - Die junge Mutter Elli macht ihrer Familie ein überwältigendes Abschiedsgeschenk: In hunderten selbstgedrehten Videos voller Humor, Liebe und Lebensfreude steht sie ihrer Familie zur Seite. Egal ob Geburtstagswünsche oder Gute-Nacht-Grüße, Tipps fürs Backen oder gegen Liebeskummer – Elli ist immer dabei ...
The story of a young widower who has lost his young wife to cancer. However, she left him and their children hundreds of video messages before she died. "I've come to terms with the fact that I'm dying. But not by leaving you alone. With these videos, you still have me with you a bit – if you want,” is one of the many messages in the videos that Elli recorded for her loved ones as an overwhelming legacy for the time after her cancer death. In the form of these video messages, she stands by her loved ones in all possible – and impossible – situations in life, full of humour, love and joie de vivre. Whether birthday wishes, good night greetings or tips for baking or lovesickness - Elli is always there...
La famiglia May è confortata nel suo dolore dai messaggi registrati lasciati dalla madre, Elly, che è appena passata a miglior vita. non volendo lasciare la sua famiglia né essere dimenticata, Elly ha lasciato numerosi videomessaggi contenenti consigli pratici e utili per il marito Tobias e i loro tre figli, Lennart, Lisa e Leon. Sebbene questi video postumi offrano conforto, la convivenza con una presenza digitale di una persona defunta che interferisce nella vita quotidiana può generare un caos totale.