My World and Welcome to It was a half-hour situation comedy based on the writings of humorist and cartoonist James Thurber, and episodes of the show incorporated stories and cartoons by Thurber. The show used a combination of live action and animation to represent the world of John Monroe, like Thurber a writer and cartoonist, who worked for The Manhattanite, a magazine very much like The New Yorker, for which Thurber wrote and illustrated for many years. All the animation was based on Thurber's drawings, including the show's opening credits.
John Monroe had to contend with his hot-tempered, often obtuse boss, Manhattanite editor Hamilton Greeley, who usually found John's cartoons incomprehensible. (Greeley was loosely based on New Yorker editor Harold Ross.) Fortunately for John, he could share his frustrations with his writer friend, the sardonic Phil Jensen (based on writer Robert Benchley).
John Monroe vit à Westport dans le Connecticut. Cartooniste pour le magazine "Manhattanite", il s'avère en réalité mécontent de son job, suspicieux envers les jeunes enfants, intimidé par sa femme et sa fille, effrayé par la mort... Face à toutes ces névroses, il décide de s'échapper dans son monde imaginaire, là où ses cartoons prennent vie, où il est un séducteur irrésistible et où tous les hommes lui vouent un profond respect...
Ispirata vagamente alla vita dell’umorista ed ex cartoonist del “New Yorker” James Thurber, una delle sitcom più bizzarre di sempre racconta le gesta, i pensieri e i cartoon di John Monroe (William Windon), scrittore e fumettista del giornale “Manhattanite”. La serie che ha vinto due Emmy Awards nel 1970 si contraddistingue per l’uso di sequenze animate per descrivere i sogni e le aspettative di Mr. Monroe.