Michael hat Junior einen Kurs in "Wie mache ich mich an eine Frau heran" verpasst. Um das frisch Erlernte in der Praxis zu testen, fragt Junior sogleich Claires Freundin Valerie, ob sie ihn zum Schulball begleiten will. Von ihrer Zusage angefeuert, geht er zum Angriff über: Ohne die Folgen zu bedenken, fragt er auch noch Amber, das flotteste Mädchen der Schule. Doch damit verletzt er Valeries Gefühle ... Michael selbst träumt derweil von einer Affäre mit Janet Jackson ...
Michael decides to help Junior on his women approach techniques, seeing that his son has absolutely no clue on how to behave around women. His advice consists on primarily having women say ""really?"", which is the key for a successful approach. When Jr. tests Michaels advice on one of Claire friends, he's surprised that it works, and even gets the girl to agree on going on a school dance with him. But Jr. was just testing her so he could ask the hottest girl on school out, which he does (and she accepts, on a move to make her ex-boyfriend jealous). Claire's friend is crushed, and Michael now has to teach him how to apologize properly to a woman. Meanwhile, Jay freaks out about her dream of Michael and Janet Jackson having an affair.
Junior met en pratique les conseils de son père pour séduire les filles. Il tente une première approche, concluante, avec une amie de Claire avant de s'attaquer à une adolescente très populaire...
Michael dispensa consigli a Jr. sul tema: come comunicare con il mondo femminile. Ma tutto va a rotoli quando Jr. invita due ragazze allo stesso ballo.
Junior convida duas garotas para o baile. Valerie gosta realmente de Junior, mas Amber não. Ele vai ao baile com Amber, que pretende usá-lo para fazer ciúmes ao seu namorado. Enquanto isso Jay fica com ciúmes quando acredita que Michael está apaixonado pela cantora Janet Jackson.