Weil sich seine Frau daheim fast zu Tode langweilt, engagiert Michael Janet als neue Buchhalterin für seine Firma. Diesen Schritt soll der Familienvater jedoch sehr schnell bereuen: Bereits auf dem Weg zur Arbeit haben die beiden Eheleute einen heftigen Streit. Die Stimmung bessert sich nicht gerade, als Janet die Autorität ihres Mannes auch noch vor versammeltem Personal untergräbt. In seiner Verzweiflung sieht Michael keinen anderen Ausweg als seine Frau zu feuern ...
Jay's feeling bored ever since she was fired. She can't think of anything else to do around the house, and won't let Michael watch the Jordan game until he hires her as the new accountant at his firm. What comes as a great idea for Jay turns out to be a nightmare for Michael, because Jay wants to turn his morning ritual into running errands; takes over his office and gives the employees way more breaks than they should get. Cornered, Michael goes to Jr. for advice, who tells his father he should just fire Jay. When he does, Jay is extremely hurt. After a deep talk, they decide Jay can continue to work side-by-side with Michael, but not as intrusive as before. Meanwhile, Claire tries to show Kady that E.T. is not so scary.
Jay ne supporte plus d'être une mère au foyer. Aussi demande-t-elle à Michael de l'embaucher…
Un episodio speciale, un tributo a Steven Spielberg, nel quale i personaggi della serie reinterpretano molte scene memorabili di E.T. L'Extraterrestre.
Jay não aguenta mais ficar em casa, e pede um emprego ao marido, na emrpesa dele. Como sempre, ela mergulha de cabeça no trabalho, e sem perceber começa a invadir o espaço de Michael. ele se vê obrigado a demitir a esposa, que não o perdoa e desconta sua raiva no tratamento que ele passa a ter em casa.
Michael se aconselha com Junior.