Weil sich Janets Mutter das Bein gebrochen hat und auf die Hilfe ihrer Tochter angewiesen ist, muss sich Michael für einige Zeit alleine um die Kinder kümmern. Obwohl sich das Familienoberhaupt sichtlich bemüht, will es ihm nicht so recht gelingen, den Nachwuchs im Zaum zu halten. Als wäre es noch nicht schlimm genug, Kadys Sehnsucht nach ihrer Mutter lindern zu müssen, findet Michael auch noch einen positiven Schwangerschaftstest, der offensichtlich Claire gehört ...
While Jay is away taking care of her mother who broke the leg, Michael is left in charge of the house and the kids. They all miss their mother, and nothing Michael does seems to be as good how Jay did. Jr. wants to join the basketball team. Michael doubts he'll make it, but when he does Michael has other problems to worry about: Jr.'s friends, who seem to be using him. Meanwhile, Kady is cranky and not even Michael's efforts to make cookies just like her mother's are working. Trying to get a smile from her, he starts to tell her how she was born. Claire's friend Charmaine is spending the night over. But the two have bigger worries when a pregnancy test comes out positive.
Jay s'absente quelques jours pour aider sa mère qui s'est cassée la jambe. Michael se retrouve donc seul pour s'occuper des enfants et il a bien du mal à assumer son rôle de parent en solo...
Mentre Jay è assente, Michael deve occuparsi di tutto. Kady fa i capricci, Junior vuole raggiungere la squadra, e come se non bastasse...
Janet está viajando e Michael, no comando da casa, resolve mudar o ritmo das crianças (incluindo ginástica pela manhã!!!). A falta da mãe provoca resistências e reclamações por parte de todos. Mas a pequena Cady é quem mais reclama pela falta da mãe e Michael, mesmo com boa vontade, não consegue cuidar de tudo com o mesmo talento e carinho de Janet!
Janet está fora e Michael precisa assumir o controle da casa.