Gi Wun-Chan (Seo Jun-Young) has a positive personality. He graduated from high school, but he doesn't have much to show for it. Nevertheless, he believes that if you work hard enough you can accomplish your dreams. During the afternoons he works a part-time job and at night studies. Wun-Chan then starts a job with an architecture company as an intern. Beginning his career as a carpenter Wun-Chan grows up to become a master craftsman.
Wun-Chan also becomes involved with Na Mugunghwa (Han Hye-Rin) and they fall in love with each other. Na Mugunghwa comes from a privileged background. She was engaged to Han Seo-Joon (Seo Do-Yeong), who appeared to be the perfect fiance, but dumps him for Gi Wun-Chan.
叛逆自我 天之驕女 出奇偶遇
是命運安排的天敵 還是福星
把志氣當飯吃 立志成為頂尖建築師
突如其來的意外 他該堅持理想 還是像現實低頭
一場美麗的相遇 是否能讓他從此幸福逆轉勝
羅槿華(韓惠琳 飾),一個含著金湯匙出身的嬌嬌女,身為建築公司獨生女的她,不但擁有出色的外貌和優秀的未婚夫,還是英國音樂學院的高材生。但雖然她擁有世人所羨慕的一切,但她卻堅持要走向自己的人生。
在畢業前夕,她突然拋下一切,毅然決然地返回韓國。因緣際會之下,槿華遇上了只有高中學歷、卻立志要當建築師的紀運燦(徐俊英 飾)。家庭背景、個性都截然不同兩個人,在邁向夢想的路上,會成為什麼樣的歡喜冤家呢?
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