민기가 지나와의 일에 집중하며 가정에 소홀해지자 공희는 실망한다. 단수는 오드리가 자신의 친모라는 사실을 알게 되고, 버려진 상처에 고통스러워한다. 황회장은 오드리에게 책임을 전가하며 단수를 이용하려 하고, 오드리는 죄책감과 분노에 휩싸여 황회장에게 맞선다.
Gong-hee is hurt and disappointed, seeing Min-gi spending time with Ji-na. Dan-soo confesses to Chairwoman Hwang that he overheard her conversation with Audrey and that he knows Audrey is his mom. Chairwoman Hwang blames her son's death on Audrey again and says to Dan-soo that Audrey is using him to extort more money from the family. Meanwhile, Audrey confronts Chairwoman Hwang and says she won't just give up and leave this time.