Home / Series / My Little Pony: Meet the Ponies / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 6

Toola-Roola's Party

Toola-Roola is decorating the table with plates until she hears the doorbell. Her friends came in and greeted her saying that they were all ready for Toola-Roola's art session as they were going to paint and decorate their own plates. Everyone started to decorate and paint their own plates as they use their imagination on the design they're using. After the art session, Toola-Roola said to her friends to put some placecards with their cutie marks on them so they can tell whose plate is whom as they leave and wait for the paint to dry. However, the wind blows the cards onto the floor and Toola-Roola can't figure out which plate belongs to which pony. Pinkie Pie comes in and sees the mess, and as Toola puts the placecards back to their respective plates with Pinkie's help, everyone comes back to see the plates so they can start the party, only they find out that the plates got mixed up. In the end, Toola-Roola learns to be more responsible next time and the ponies finally got to enjoy the cake, and their plates.

  • Originally Aired October 1, 2008
  • Created February 9, 2019 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified March 10, 2025 by
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John Grusd Director