길채는 장현과의 미래를 꿈꾸고, 장현은 포로들과의 약속을 지키고자 한다. 하지만 그 약속은 엄청난 위기를 불러오는데..!
Jang-hyun and Gil-chae are finally together, but Jang-hyun needs to go back to Simyang for a month to keep the promise he made to Yang-chun. Gil-chae promises him that she will wait for him in Joseon. However, the King banned the Crown Prince from bringing back the captives to Joseon.
Gil-chae träumt von einer Zukunft mit Jang-hyeon. Dieser versucht unterdessen, sein Versprechen an die Gefangenen zu erfüllen, und bringt sich dabei selbst in Gefahr.