In Canada, Emily was given four years for smuggling cocaine into the country from St. Lucia. And how Amy, a prison mental health nurse in Doncaster, fell for a violent inmate.
How Sofia faced two years in a Dubai jail after her boyfriend ripped her off. And the story of two teenagers who were sentenced to a total of 43 years in a notorious Bangkok prison.
Sharon was sentenced to almost five years in a brutal Argentinian prison for smuggling cocaine. And how Tiwanda met a man on holiday in Jamaica - and then faced up to 40 years in jail.
How 18-year-old Melina was led into a world of international crime. And the story of trainee nurse Rita, a tale from the 1970s that woke Britain up to the horrors of coercive crime.
The stories of two people who were sentenced to jail after their partners involved them serious crime, including Suzana who spent almost a year in a notorious Hong Kong prison.
How Australian mother Yoshe Taylor was sentenced to 23 years in a Cambodian prison for smuggling heroin. And Kelly's gangster partner coerced her into staking out a million-pound tiara.