After a lengthy phone call from Tsugami, Nao realizes how much Tsugami missed her and begs her to kidnap her again to become mother and daughter once more. To Nao's shock Tsugami left the orphanage and retraced the steps she took with Nao from her trip in Hokkaido to Tokyo. They both are reunited at the barbershop along with Nao's birth mom but only have one short day together before Nao must return Tsugami to the orphanage as to not break her parole conditions. Nao promises to Tsugami that she will always be her mother and when she turns 20 she can open the letter she gave her so they can meet again.
츠구미는 나오에게 전화를 걸어 한 번만 더 유괴해달라고 애원한다. 나오는 츠구미의 간절한 목소리를 듣고 갈등하지만 이내 전화가 끊어지고 만다. 한편 모치즈키의 여명이 얼마 남지 않았다는 소식을 들은 나오는 그녀를 이발소로 데리고 온다. 그러던 어느 날, 무로란에 있어야 할 츠구미가 이발소 문을 열고 들어서는데...