Kanbara Kiko is a poor single mother whose 5-year-old son, Haruto, gets admitted to a prestigious kindergarten in an unexpected turn of events. One Haruto's first day of school, high-end cars are backed up in front of the kindergarten’s front gate. Mothers swagger on high heels within the compound and carry luxury brand bags. Although Kiko is shocked by the reality of this kindergarten where she is out of her element, she expresses her feelings directly to the mothers who regard her as an enemy. With her vivacity and compassion, she starts to change the thinking and establish new bonds with these rigid women living in a completely different world and generation.
婚的單親媽媽蒲原希子(木村文乃 飾),住在祖父徹治的家中,每天除了忙於便當店的工作,沒出息的前夫三不五時會出現在希子面前,希望與希子復合外,還得為5歲的兒子陽斗就學問題傷腦筋。好不容易終於讓兒子進入當地的幼兒園,這才發現兒子就讀的是一間名門幼兒園。
希子的「媽媽好友」之中,高中時代的同學也是軟式網球社的搭檔神谷由紀(貫地谷栞 飾),表面上是名門貴婦,其實她與丈夫都只是普通的上班族,她沉迷於賭博而無法自拔,欠下大筆債務;丈夫擔任執業醫生的矢野聰子(長谷川京子 飾),不斷受到婆婆的精神虐待;曾在大型廣告公司擔任企劃,事業有成的後藤綠(安達祐實 飾),有個作風強勢的丈夫,之後又發現丈夫與公司女同事有外遇關係,心灰意冷的後藤,與女兒學校裏的足球教練發生外遇關係;所有媽媽的絕對領導者-房地產公司「帝王」繼承人小田寺球繪(檀麗 飾),實際上也有不為人知的家庭祕密。大兒子因為表現無法讓家族成員滿意,被整個家族當成空氣……。