Momoko who was taken by Miki and participated in the audition of the drama. There she encounters Asuka, an unsold idol who wants to be an actress, who is killed by the recently infested urban legend "Kamao". Momoko, who was tasked with cleaning the scene of the incident, touches Asuka's bell and she time-leaps at the time of the audition. Momoko, who pulled in her Otomo as usual, decided to find out the truth behind the case of "Kamao".
被三木帶走並參加了電視劇試鏡的桃子。 在那裡,他遇到了想當演員卻賣不出去的偶像明日香,但在最近出現的都市傳說中,明日香被當紅的“Kamao”殺死。 被委託打掃現場的桃子,在試鏡的時候,摸到了明日香的鈴鐺,適時的飛躍。 像往常一樣,拉著大友的桃子決定找出“Kamao”案件背後的真相。