제가 캠핑을 시작하게 된 계기가
어렸을 때 가족끼리 캠핑을 많이 했었어요
근데 커가면서 가족과 보내는 시간이 적어지다 보니 같이 보내는 시간이 많지 않더라고요
좋았던 기억을 떠올리며 시작하게 되었어요
항상 가족과 함께 캠핑을 하러 가는데
이번엔 카메라는 처음이라 다들 어색해하는 모습에 더 웃었어요. 아직 혼자 찍는 게 많이 어색하지만, 더 좋은 모습 많이 담아보고 싶어요
I started camping because
when I was little, I often went camping with my family
But as I grew, we spent less time together, it seemed like we didn't spend much time together
So I started it while remembering the good memories I had
We always go camping together as a family
But it's our first time to film, they were all awkward which made me laugh even more. I am still awkward with filming by myself, but I would love to film more good things.