Das Schicksal (wer sonst) beschert dem rührigen Gastgeber Kimihito zwei weitere hyperaktive Fabelwesen-Gäste: die kleine Harpyie Papi und die stolze Zentaurin Zentrea Sianus.
Kimihito is kidnapped by Papi, who brings him to a park, where they buy ice cream. Papi then takes a bath in a public fountain, where Miia finds them. With various mishaps, the three work together to save a girl who was stuck in a tree. When a policeman arrives, Kimihito claims to be Papi's host family to keep her from being deported. The officer is skeptical, but Smith arrives with Papi's papers just in time, and tells Kimihito that she was on her way to make the harpy live with him. While out grocery shopping, Kimihito collides with Centorea. She becomes convinced that Kimihito is her soulmate. Encountering a purse-snatcher, the two pursue him. They eventually catch him, despite various embarrassing accidents. When the thief tries to attack Centorea with her dropped sword, Kimihito leaps in front of her and takes the blow, but survives due to the sword being a fake. Later, Smith explains that Kimihito riding Centorea could be viewed as akin to rape, since only a centaur's chosen master may ride them. Centorea chooses him as her master, resulting in her joining his household.
Suite à des rencontres fortuites, le pauvre Kimihito se voit obligé d’accueillir chez lui une harpie et une centaure. La collaboration entre ses trois invitées devient très compliquée, surtout que madame Smith n’y met pas vraiment de la bonne volonté pour jouer entièrement son rôle de coordinatrice.
Kimihito viene improvvisamente rapito da un'arpia di nome Papi. La ragazza, ignara delle consuetudini umane inizia innocentemente a lavarsi all'interno di una fontana pubblica. Miia ha un attacco di gelosia, e le due iniziano a litigare. Improvvisamente però, sentono le grida di aiuto di una bambina bloccata su un albero.
베란다에 나왔다가 하피족 소녀에게 잡혀 날라가버린 키미히토. 새의 모습을 하고 있는 하피족 소녀는 왠지 아이스크림을 먹고 싶어 하는데...
Papi, la harpía, secuestra al protagonista con la excusa de que necesita una familia anfitriona o será “exportada”. Centorea Shianus, una centauro que vaga por Japón en busca de su alma gemela, se encuentra con el protagonista mientras sigue las instrucciones de un hechizo japonés y lo reconoce como su único señor.