Kaiki learns from Tsubasa that strange phenomena have been happening in the town even before Shinobu arrived and because of that, Gaen was intending to have her become the new god of the Polar Shrine. However, because of Koyomi's interference, her plans have failed and Nadeko turned into a god instead. Tsubasa believes that Nadeko actually does not care about anything or anybody at all, and most likely doesn't really love "Big Brother Koyomi", thus the reason for her behavior. She is also worried if Kaiki is able to pull off the scam. On the occasion, Tsubasa asks Kaiki if Oshino has any relatives like a niece and he affirms that just like him, Oshino does not have a family at all, including siblings or such, making the existence of Oshino Ougi very suspicious. Through the following days, Kaiki keeps visiting Nadeko to play with her and bring her presents until the day of Koyomi and Hitagi's graduation finally arrives. After having a final conversation with Hitagi by phone, during which she demands him to never set foot in the city again once the job is done, Kaiki has a short meeting with Yotsugi on the way to the shrine. She repeats her warning and claims Kaiki won't be able to deceive Nadeko. On the occasion, it is revealed that Kaiki used his wits to bring down a cult that was deceiving Hitagi's mother but that ultimately led her to join another cult instead and for Hitagi's sake, he had her mother divorce and leave her family. Upon meeting Nadeko at the shrine, Kaiki attempts to deceive her as planned by claiming that Koyomi, Hitagi and Shinobu were killed in a traffic accident in the previous night, however, she instantly recognizes the lie.
카이키는 1월 한 달, 매일 키타시라헤비 신사를 찾아 나데코와 줄곧 친분을 쌓는다. 그리고 2월 1일. 최종적으로 센고쿠 나데코를 속이기로 결정한 날이 찾아오는데... 주변의 이런저런 우려를 뿌리치고 카이키는 키타시라헤비 신사로 향한다.
Kaiki se entera por Tsubasa de que han estado ocurriendo fenómenos extraños en la ciudad incluso antes de que Shinobu llegara y, debido a eso, Gaen tenía la intención de convertirla en la nueva diosa del Santuario Polar. Sin embargo, debido a la interferencia de Koyomi, sus planes han fallado y Nadeko se convirtió en una diosa.
Kaiki apprend de Tsubasa que des étranges phénomènes se passent en ville et ce, avant même que Shinobu n'arrive. À cause de cela, Gaen prévoyait de la faire devenir la nouvelle déesse du Sanctuaire.
Hanekawa Tsubasa, che dovrebbe essere all'estero per trovare Oshino Meme, fa visita all'improvviso a Kaiki. Dopo aver scambiato informazioni con Tsubasa, Kaiki si reca al tempio, inizia a offrendo del denaro e del sakè, che Nadeko accetta con gioia.