On New Year's Day, Kaiki receives a call from Hitagi requesting for his services. After claiming that he is in Okinawa in an attempt to shake her off, Hitagi affirms that she will take a flight to meet him there, forcing him to do the same to keep his lie from being exposed and Hitagi from killing him. Once meeting at the airport, Hitagi explains their problem with Nadeko - she wants him to deceive her into letting them live as the day of their graduation and battle with her approaches. Despite seeing how Hitagi is desperate enough to resort to asking a man she loathes and that she is prepared to attend whatever demand he asks, Kaiki claims that he has no reason to help them at all before considering their connection with Gaen's niece Suruga, causing him to accept Hitagi's request.
새해 벽두부터 센죠가하라의 전화를 받은 카이키는 의아스러움을 품는다. 결국 어떻게든 만나지 않으려고 얼버무리지만 자승자박에 빠져 오키나와로 날아가게 되는데... 센죠가하라가 사기를 칠 상대로 지목한 건 센고쿠 나데코였다.
El día de Año Nuevo, Kaiki recibe una llamada de Hitagi solicitando sus servicios. Después de afirmar que está en Okinawa en un intento de deshacerse de ella, Hitagi afirma que tomará un vuelo para reunirse con él allí, lo que lo obliga a hacer lo mismo para evitar que su mentira sea expuesta y que Hitagi lo mate.
Au Nouvel An, Kaiki reçoit un appel d'Hitagi lui demandant ses services. Après lui avoir affirmé être à Okinawa dans le but de la secouer, Hitagi lui dit prendre un vol pour l'y rejoindre, le forçant à faire de même afin d'éviter à son mensonge d'être révélé, évitant ainsi de se faire tuer par Hitagi.
Il 1° gennaio Hitagi Senjougahara chiama la sua nemesi Deishu Kaiki. È stata una scelta dolorosa quella di contattare Kaiki, necessaria a salvare se stessa e Koyomi Araragi dalla "condanna a morte".