After returning from his trip through time, Koyomi returns home and after he returning Mayoi's backpack, they come across a mysterious being that starts chasing them down. The two manage to escape when they meet Yotsugi who flies away with them to safety. After stealing a kiss from Koyomi to repay for her help, Yotsugi flees, leaving Koyomi at the mercy of a furious Shinobu that appears soon after and to calm her down, Koyomi kisses her too. With Mayoi still uncounscious from their predicament, Koyomi inquires Shinobu about the "darkness" entity they saw and she claims that she had seen it before during a trip to Japan 400 years before. She also claims that it will cause the destruction of the entire city if nothing is done about it.
가방을 돌려주기 위해 집으로 향하는 아라라기와 하치쿠지.
평소처럼 사이좋게 싸우던 둘은 뭔가 불길한 존재가 다가오는 것을 눈치챈다.
보이지 않는 존재로부터 도망치기 위해 아라라기는 있는 힘껏 페달을 밟지만...
Después de regresar de su viaje a través del tiempo, Koyomi regresa a casa y después de devolver la mochila de Mayoi, se encuentran con un ser misterioso que comienza a perseguirlos. Los dos logran escapar cuando se encuentran con Yotsugi, quien vuela con ellos a un lugar seguro.
Après être revenu de son voyage dans le temps, Koyomi rentre chez lui et rencontre Mayoi qui retourne enfin son sac. Ils croisent soudainement un être mystérieux qui commence à les pourchasser.
Koyomi dopo aver fatto ritorno dal suo viaggio nel tempo con Shinobu ed essersi imbattuto in Mayoi, Koyomi si dirige a casa sua per restituirle lo zaino. Tuttavia, subito dopo, i due vengono attaccati da una creatura composta da oscurità...