Koyomi is concentrated on his studies when he is interrupted by Karen who, much by his surprise, is wearing her sister Tsukihi's clothes, displaying an air more feminine than usual. Karen asks Koyomi to introduce her to Suruga knowing that she is friends with him, but he refuses without giving a reason, fearing that she would make a move on his sister. Karen then challenges his brother to a contest, making him promise to comply with her request if he loses. Koyomi then choses the contents of the challenge - she would let him brush her teeth for five minutes without resisting, which she accepts. Surprisingly, both start getting more and more aroused as Koyomi brushes Karen's teeth until Tsukihi barges in demanding an explanation. Despite fearing what punishment Tsukihi has in store for them after she leaves and Koyomi accepting defeat, Karen asks him to continue from where they stopped.
Karen demande de l'aide à Koyomi après avoir déboulé dans sa chambre en jupe, sans son traditionnel jogging.
Karen chiede a Koyomi di presentarle Kanbaru ma lui, ben conscio del carattere e delle tendenze della amica, sfida la sorella a superare una prova per poterla conoscere. Ma sul più bello vengono interrotti dalla loro sorella minore Tsukihi.
항상 입던 추리닝이 아닌 사복을 입고 아라라기 코요미에게 나타난 아라라기 카렌. 무언가 부탁이 있다는 것이라는데…….
Koyomi se concentra en sus estudios cuando es interrumpido por Karen quien, para su sorpresa, lleva la ropa de su hermana Tsukihi, mostrando un aire más femenino de lo habitual. Karen le pide a Koyomi que le presente a Suruga sabiendo que ella es amiga de él, pero él se niega a darle una razón, por temor a que ella se mueva con su hermana. Luego, Karen desafía a su hermano a un concurso, haciéndole prometer que cumplirá con su pedido si pierde. Luego, Koyomi elige el contenido del desafío: le permite cepillarse los dientes durante cinco minutos sin resistirse, lo cual ella acepta. Sorprendentemente, ambos comienzan a excitarse cada vez más mientras Koyomi cepilla los dientes de Karen hasta que Tsukihi interviene para exigir una explicación. A pesar de temer el castigo que Tsukihi les tiene reservado después de que ella se va y Koyomi acepta la derrota, Karen le pide que continúe desde donde se detuvieron.