Koyomi joins the girls' basketball meetup and asks them what the five missing people have in common. He reaches a certain conviction as he listens to them and quickly leaves. In the meantime, who paid Suicide-Master a visit, as she was waiting alone at the Kanbaru residence...?
Araragi Koyomi en a désormais la certitude : le coupable se cache parmi les membres du club de basket féminin. Et si Suicide Master savait depuis le début qui était l'origine des momifications en série ?
Auf der Pyjama-Party des Basketball-Klubs merkt Koyomi, dass er hier am falschen Ort ist. Er eilt zum Haus der Kanbarus, wo Suicide-Master bereits Besuch erwartet.
Harimaze se encontra com Suicide-Master e a conversa toma rumos bem estranhos e inesperados...
Araragi ha raggiunto Kanbaru e le sue amiche per proteggerle dal vampiro in cerca di vendetta, mentre Mayoi è rimasta a sorvegliare Suicide-Master. Qualcosa però non torna...
Koyomi por fin descubrió la verdad tras el vampiro que atacó y momificó a las colegialas. Ahora solo tiene que enfrentarlo cara a cara.