This first episode follows people who dedicate their lives to getting rich, documenting the extraordinary world of wealth trainers. Featuring renowned American wealth gurus Robert Kiyosaki and T Harv Eker, as well as a selection of their British followers, the film examines whether anyone can get rich if they truly apply themselves.
The second episode in Vanessa Engle's three-part documentary series exploring our personal attitudes to money. This film about couples looks at how money affects our personal relationships. The top five causes of conflict in relationships are money, sex, work, children and housework - in that order. Couples from around the country - young and old, rich and poor - reveal the intimate truth about the role money plays in their relationships.
The last episode in Vanessa Engle's series about our personal attitudes to money. Forty grand is, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies, the average British income for a household where two adults are working. This film features a set of households who all live on this same net amount of money annually. Some consider forty grand to be a large amount of money, whilst others struggle to get by. The film compares the way the various households spend their identical budgets, revealing a wide range of priorities and values, as well as big differences in their life situations.