The enlightened Abbot of the Monastery, Simonos Petras, lived the last 26 years of his life in the Metochi of the Ascension in Byron, which he turned into a spiritual radiation center. There he became the shepherd of the thirsty souls of the capital and the support of the wintering refugees of Asia Minor.
One of the greatest ascetics of modern times, Joseph the Hesychast lived for 40 years in the caves of Mount Athos. He contributed to the spiritual rebirth of Mount Athos, as well as to the birth of Orthodox monasticism in America.
Ephraim goes to Mount Athos at the age of 19 accompanied by Joseph the Hesychast. After the death of his elder, Ephraim undertook the Monastery of Philotheos, the manning of three more monasteries in the Orchard of the Virgin Mary and the spiritual guidance of male and female monastic communities throughout Greece. After receiving a message from God, he takes the bold step into the New World: Canada and USA. There Elder Ephraim realizes the great needs of the world but also the influences of Protestantism and secularization.
Ephraim Katounakiotis lived 65 years of strict ascetic life, forty of which were in submissive obedience to an elder. This was the great legacy he left to his disciples when he became an Elder himself. Ephraim taught obedience and of the relentless spiritual struggle in silence. "The fruit of silence is to see others as angels," he said.