C.E.73。プラント「アーモリーワン」で、オーブの代表首長となったカガリとプラント最高評議会議長デュランダルとの極秘会談が行われようとしていた。そんな時、ザフトの新型ガンダム3機が、特殊部隊に強奪されてしまい…。PHASE-01〜13までで構成された「SEED DESTINY」再編集の第1弾!
The Bloody Valentine War has ended and an uneasy truce has settled upon the Earth sphere. With the signing of the Junius Seven Treaty, the world's soldiers have left the battlefield and the grizzly sights of war behind. Many who fought now seek peace and refuge in the shelter of civilian life. But one boy, Shin Asuka, is finding that incredibly hard. A coordinator who lost his entire family, he now fights with ZAFT in one of their newest machines, the Impulse Gundam.