Deploying all the fighting strength it possibly can, Tekkadan attempts to capture Sandoval Reuters, the leader of the Dawn Horizon Corps. During a hard fight against unequal odds, Gjallarhorn's outer lunar orbit joint fleet Arianrhod also joins the battle. A three-way free-for-all begins between Tekkadan, the Arianrhod fleet, and the Dawn Horizon Corps.
Gjallarhorn et Tekkadan coopèrent pour anéantir l’Horizon de l’Aube, des pirates de l’espace. La bataille fait rage, mais les hommes de McGillis semblent pressés par le temps…
Anche se nutre ancora qualche sospetto, Orga accetta di lavorare con Gjallarhorn in una missione per catturare Sandoval Reuters, il capo della Dawn Horizon Corps.
Mimo swoich podejrzeń Orga zgadza się współpracować z Gjallarhornem w czasie misji, której celem jest schwytanie Sandovala Reutera, przywódcy Horyzontu Świtu.
Orga blijft wantrouwig, maar gaat samen met Gjallarhorn op jacht naar Sandoval Reuters, de leider van het Dawn Horizon-korps.