Nach einer Ersatzteil-Lieferung von Katharon, kann die Ptolemaios 2 mit den notwendigen Reparaturen beginnen. Ohne die Unterstützung der 00 kann die Ptolemaios 2 die Angriffe der Föderation jedoch nicht abschwächen und von Setsuna ist weit und breit keine Spur.
With assistance and supplies from Katharon, the Ptolemaios 2 is able to continue with its repairs in the mountainous region. However, they are unable to proceed with their plan to break through the siege laid by the Federation, without the currently missing Setsuna and the 00 Gundam. Meanwhile, Setsuna, wounded after his fight with Ali Al-Saachez, is forced to get medical help at Katharon's Suille base, where he is reunited and cared for by Marina. The Ptolemaios 2 is forced to defend itself against an overwhelming number of A-Laws mobile suits, but receives an unexpected respite when the fleet suddenly retreats from its successful offensive to deal with a coup d'état led by Hank Hercule at the African orbital elevator. Despite his injuries, Setsuna sets off towards the elevator and is met by Mr. Bushido, who forces Setsuna to fight against him by demonstrating the Masurao's secret ability: Trans-Am.
Sergeï Smirnov apprend que son ami et collègue Pang Hercury prépare un coup d'État contre la Fédération, en représailles aux actions barbares des A-Laws. Katharon, qui a vent de cette révolution, prend soin de Setsuna blessé à l'épaule suite à son altercation avec Ribbons et Ali Al-Saachez. Le coup d'État va sans doute permettre au pilote du 00 Raiser de retrouver le Ptolémée sur Terre.